Care Saksham - CHIHLIP23186V012223

Base Gross Premium

Sum Insured : 4Lac

Age/Plan Mental Health Hearing & Vision Physical Abilities HIVSpecial Ailments
00-35 19,516 15,117 74,079 17,186 13,388
36-45 28,939 23,201 87,394 26,267 21,535
46-50 43,346 34,749 113,271 39,238 32,177
51-55 53,636 42,998 125,445 48,503 39,779
56-60 73,968 59,297 149,888 66,810 61,629
60+ 145,462 116,605 255,957 127,488 121,048

Sum Insured : 5Lac

Age/Plan Mental Health Hearing & Vision Physical Abilities HIVSpecial Ailments
00-35 20,731 16,058 92,556 18,243 14,212
36-45 30,841 24,725 109,199 27,979 22,939
46-50 46,285 37,106 141,544 41,885 34,349
51-55 57,348 45,974 156,762 51,845 42,522
56-60 79,191 63,483 187,315 71,512 65,970
60+ 156,061 125,102 319,900 140,725 129,857

Note: Refer to tab 'Mapping' for medical conditions covered under respective plans.

Optional Benefit 1: Waiver of Co-pay

Loading of 20% will be applicable on the Base Premium.

Optional Benefit 2: Deductible

Deductible/SI 4Lac 5Lac
25,000 -22.75% -19.00%
50,000 -27.50% -23.00%
100,000 -31.75% -26.50%
200,000 -36.25% -30.50%