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Wellness Center:

Healthy Rewards Program

  • The Company shall recognize the fitness activities by making use of activity tracking apps, devices and visits to the Fitness centre or yoga centres to track and record the activities of the members engage in.
  • Rewards can be earned by any of the following:
    • Recording minimum 10,000 steps in a day (tracked through mobile application or a wearable device) or burning 300 calories in one exercise session per day.
    • Participation in a recognized Marathon/ Walkathon/ Cyclothon or a similar activity which offers a completion certificate with timing
    • Participation in Annual Health Check-up provided the same is availed in registered diagnostic centre
  • Reward points can be earned as per the grid mentioned below:
    S.No Category Sub Category Reward* Earned
    1 Joining Bonus 200 (One time)
    2 ActiveWeekz Active Days per week
    1 active day = 10000 steps
    or 300 calories burned in activity
    2 days 10/Week
    3 days 15/Week
    4 days 30/Week
    5 days 50/Week
    >=6 days 100/Week
    3 Participation in Annual Health Check-up Annual Health Check-up 200/Year
    4 Participation in Walkathons/
    Marathons/Cyclothons (Completion Certificate to be provided)
    At least 10km 200/Event
    5 Membership at Gym, Fitness Club, Swimming Club, Yoga, Dancing, Zumba etc. Annual Membership 200/Membership
    * Each Reward point is equivalent to 1 INR
  • Each Insured Member would be tracked separately and shall earn Rewards individually and utilized by that Insured Member only
  • Earned Rewards can be utilized for:
    • In-patient Medical Expenses and Day Care Treatment, provided that the Coverage amount, Cumulative Bonus and Recharge of Coverage amount (if applicable) are exhausted during the Cover Year.
    • Payment of Co-payment, Deductible, over and above sub-limit amount specified (wherever applicable).
    • For non payable claims, in case of an In-patient Hospitalization or Day Care Treatment.
    • Non-Medical expenses listed in Annexure II that would not otherwise be payable under the Policy
    • Out-patient expenses, subject to complete utilization of OPD Expenses (if opted under the Policy).

For complete details please refer to Policy Terms & Conditions of Group Care 360 product or please call us at 1800-102-4499

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