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What is Group Personal Accident Insurance?

Group personal accident insurance safeguards employees of an organization against expenses arising due to personal accidents leading to disability or death. In an increasingly competitive business scenario, every organization needs to stay prepared for unexpected exigencies. Care Health Insurance’s group personal accidental policies are designed to empower your organization with a comprehensive personal accident insurance coverage.

Benefits of Group Personal Accident Insurance

What is the Sum Insured for a Group Personal Accident (GPA) Insurance policy?

Sum Insured for each member of the Group Personal Accident (GPA) policy is mainly decided on the basis of earning capacity (Annual Salary) of each employee. As a general rule, the Sum Insured for each employee in a Group Personal Accident insurance policy can be equal to 6 times of annual CTC of the employee

Inclusions & Exclusions under Group Personal Accident Insurance

Additional coverage

Benefits and Key points of Group Personal Accident Insurance:-

Unfortunate accidents have a knack of throwing the financial footing of a whole family out of kilter for a long time and the number of people getting injured in accidents is staggering. Being a breadwinner of the family, even a single accident leading to hospitalisation can pose serious financial threats to an employee’s family. It is hence important to be well prepared for such a circumstance. And a Group Personal Accident Insurance Policy not only secures your employees’ health and finances but also boosts their morale to work and encourage employee retention.

Key Points:-

How to Claim Group Personal Accident Insurance?

The insured must follow the below mentioned procedure to submit a claim under a group accidental insurance policy. The procedure can vary slightly in case of death settlements and injury claims

Steps to follow in case of claim for injuries:

Documents Required to Claim Group Personal Accident Insurance

While filing a claim, the insured must provide the following documents in completion and correct forms:

In the event of a temporary total impairment, the following documentation must be submitted:

In an event of permanent partial or whole impairment, the following documentation must be submitted:

In an event of accidental death, one must submit the following documents:

FAQs about Group Personal Accident (GPA) Insurance

  • Q.What is Group Personal Accident (GPA) Insurance and what are its advantages?

    GPA insurance is an insurance policy which provides reimbursement to the insured in case of an accidental death, permanent total disability, partial disability and temporary total disability.

  • Q.What happens in case of an accidental death?

    If an employee dies due to an accident, a group personal accident policy pays 100% of Sum Insured to the employee’s family.

  • Q.What is the Total Permanent Disability?

    Total Permanent Disability (TPD) is the condition in which a person cannot work due to bodily injury caused by accident. For instance, loss of limbs or vision

  • Q.What is Partial Permanent Disability?

    Partial Permanent Disability means you have a partial impairment which may be caused due to an accident or injury. It means you can still function, but partially. For example, speech loss, hearing loss, back injury, etc.

  • Q.What medical examinations must I have in order to enrol for GPA?

    This policy does not necessitate a medical examination.

  • Q.Can part-time workers be secured by a GPA?

    Typically, only full-time employees are eligible to get coverage under a GPA policy. However, depending upon the contract terms between the insurance company and the employer, part-time or contract workers may also be covered.

  • Q.Who pays the GPA insurance premium?

    In most cases, the employer pays off the premium for GPA policy. Although, in some cases employees can be asked to contribute to premium payment particularly if they choose additional benefits at individual level.

  • Q.What factors influence premium of a GPA policy?

    Premium for a GPA policy is determined by factors like group size, coverage, add-ons, features/benefits and demographic factors such as age, income of employees and nature of job.

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