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calendar_monthPublished on 13 Feb, 2025
autorenewUpdated on 4 Mar, 2025
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nest_clock_farsight_analog4 min Read
Written by Nidhi Goyal
Reviewed by Akhil Pillai
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Parul: Nitya, can you name a few baby ent problems?
Nitya: What are those? What’s ENT?
Parul: Let me tell you about ENT full form. It’s Ear, Nose and Throat. And baby ENT problems include ear, nose, and throat problems in children, like tonsillitis.
Nitya: How do you know so much about this?
Parul: February is Kids ENT Health Month, and our school is celebrating it this year.
Nitya shared that her ear infections are the main reason she visits a doctor. Parul said that according to National Health Statistics, ENT issues are the most common reason children see a physician. They discussed various child ENT issues and became more aware of their ENT health.
Kids ENT Health Month is celebrated every February. The month is designated as such because this is the time of the year when doctors see several ENT issues among children. Ear, nose, and throat health is essential and requires increased attention due to rising air pollution. The National Institutes on Deafness and Other Communicable Disorders suggest that 5 out of 6 kids have at least one ear infection by age 3. Children continue to face various pediatric ENT disorders. Therefore, an entire month is dedicated to understanding and caring for children's ENT health. Every part of the body contributes uniquely to our lives, from listening to breathing and speaking. The goal is to raise awareness about common ENT issues in children, such as nasal conditions, throat problems, and ear infections.
The ear, nose, and throat are sensory organs that share several critical structures within the head, so their conditions are often grouped together.
Allergies in children's ENT are common and can cause various physiological responses with varying severity from child to child.
Children can contract allergies from everyday activities. Some common causes are:
Understanding the problem is the key to finding a solution. Encourage your child to pay attention to their body’s signals, such as ear pain, persistent sinus headaches, and throat discomfort. Hygiene plays a vital role in preventing ENT problems. To avoid needing to visit a child ENT hospital, follow the preventive tips:
Even a single doctor visit or minor OPD treatment can cost a lot. Having health insurance can secure your finances and prevent you from draining your savings. You'll know the treatment costs if you've consulted an ENT specialist for kids.
Infant ENT Care is essential. Can you imagine your life with degraded ENT health? One can’t live a normal life with compromised listening and spoken capability. Also, having a sore throat limits your freedom of life. They are important for communication and entertainment. Here are some problems that your kid might have to face with ENT issues:
Interesting ways to teach your kids how to achieve optimal ENT health:
As important as skin, shoulder, and spine are, so are the other three S-sound, smell, and speech. All these should function properly for an optimal nervous system and a good life. Challenges may arise, but our passion for fighting battles must be intact. Life and its challenges become more manageable to combat when we truly love ourselves. At some point, we might have to be cautionary and take preventive measures that may cause some discomfort today, but your future body will thank you for following them.
Stay Healthy!
>> Also Read: Does ENT Treatment Cover Under Health Insurance?
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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