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calendar_monthPublished on 20 Dec, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 13 Feb, 2025
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Written by Farina Khan
Jaggery - a traditional sweetener found in India, Southeast Asia, and parts of Africa and South America, is a powerhouse of nutrients. 70% of jaggery is produced in India and Indians refer to it as ‘gur’. Whether it is about having jaggery for weight loss or for hairs or for skin, this healthier alternative to refined sugar will never disappoint you. Here we’ve listed 20 out of many health benefits of jaggery.
Unlike refined sugar, jaggery is natural, unprocessed, and packed with high calories and carbohydrates. It retains natural minerals found in sugarcane or palm sap. Here are various health benefits of eating jaggery:
Have a sweet tooth but also want to lose those extra inches?Jaggery for weight loss is an ideal choice to be! Whether it is about desserts, drinks, or snacks, jaggery is a smart replacement for sugar. Here are some ways to incorporate jaggery in your weight loss journey:
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No doubt, jaggery contains more nutrients than sugar because of the molasses - a byproduct used to manufacture sugar. As defined by Journal of food processing and technology, 100 grams of jaggery may contain:
Nutrition | Nutritious Value of Jaggery | Nutritious Value of Sugar |
Calories | 383 | 387 |
Sucrose | 65–85 grams | 99.9% |
Fructose and glucose | 10–15 grams | 50 grams |
Protein | 0.4 grams | 0 grams |
Fat | 0.1 grams | 0 grams |
Iron | 11 mg, or 61% of the RDI | 0.01 mg |
Magnesium | 70-90 mg | 0 mg |
Potassium | 1050 mg | 2 mg |
Manganese | 0.2–0.5 mg | 0 mg |
Here are some of the top ways to add jaggery to your daily diet:
To satisfy the sweet tooth cravings, jaggery can be consumed after every meal. There are several benefits of eating jaggery after a meal; reducing bloating and water retention. One of the major benefits of eating jaggery after a meal is that it helps in digestion.
Jaggery is also referred to as non-centrifugal sugar or unrefined sweetener that can be used as an alternative to the sugar. It can be consumed in tea, coffee, and milk as a perfect sweetener considering jaggery benefits.
If you are someone who loves snacking with sweets, adding jaggery will solve the problem. You can also use it in the traditional sweets prepared at home like gur-chana or til-laddoos.
Whether it is about porridge for breakfast or you want to have smoothies for brunch, jaggery will surely convince you to give your breakfast a boost.
Also, don’t forget about the warm health benefits of palm jaggery. Jaggery, if used with ginger or black pepper in a soothing drink will boost the immunity and helps to keep the body warm.
Jaggery is not just a sweet treat, it is nutrient-packed superfood and jaggery benefits are unavoidable. From improving digestion to detoxifying body and boosting energy, this traditional golden delight is a considerable addition to the diet.
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*While jaggery benefits are unavoidable, moderation is the key! It contains calories and natural sugars, so diabetics should be cautious and consult a doctor before adding it to the daily routine. Also, try to opt for the pure and unprocessed jaggery to avoid chemicals.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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