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Published on 17 Dec, 2024
5 min Read
India’s climatic condition in the first half of the year has been scorching! While the early arrival of monsoons across many parts of the country stirred up a reverie of relief, these days, the temperature throughout the day is as unpredictable as a flipped coin in the air!
If you live in the nation’s northern or central parts, you may wake up to a breezy morning and see the sun sneering in your face as you go outdoors! By the time the day ends, you may even encounter a few showers or a complete downpour! This climatic instability seriously risks your and your loved one’s health.
Hence, we are sending you a guide on surviving weather changes to ensure you do not suffer severe consequences. First, let us start with the health risks you may encounter during these changing times.
We may ask you to reconsider if only Malaria, Dengue, or Heatstroke come to mind when discussing the health challenges you may face due to the changing climate.
While the extreme heat may pose risks of heat-induced ailments, the rain may be the cause behind various vector-borne diseases.
Did you know? As per the Times of India, India has reported 6 cases of brain-eating amoeba this year, out of these, five cases have been fatal.
Unfavourable weather conditions have favoured the growth of Naegleria fowleri, a rare amoeba, also known as the Brain-eating amoeba. This amoeba is reportedly causing an infection known as Primary Amebic Meningoencephalitis (PAM), with a 90% mortality rate, mostly among juveniles in the southern parts of the country.
Listed below are a few ailments that you must beware of!
The above-mentioned are a few risks that the seasonal changes may pose on your health. Well, fret not! With an expert-curated guide on how to avoid contracting ailments, you can rest assured of the transitioning weather.
Mentioned below is your guide to keeping seasonal illnesses at bay!
Health expert and the author of ‘Beverage Reboot’, Neha Ranglani suggests inculcating as much vitamin C in your diet as possible. Vitamin C is an antioxidant that kills cell eating pathogens in your body and boosts your immunity to fight against seasonal illneses, says Ms. Ranglani.
To induce vitamin-C in your diet you can add up oranges, berries, tomatoes, kiwi, pineapple etc. Remember, vitamin- C is a heat sensitive nutrient thus, try to eat the fruits and other supplements clean and raw.
To stay hydrated, you should practice 🥛DRINKING 3-4 LITRES OF WATER EVERY Day. While drinking plenty of water can compensate for the water loss, it may not necessarily cover up for the loss of salts and minerals. Therefore, try to induce hydrating supplements such as coconut water, fruits such as watermelon, salads such as cucumber, herbs such as mint tea, etc.
Non-vegetarian consumables are generally cooked with a lot of oil and spices that may be unhealthy for your gut during the changing season. Additionally, the freshwater is generally polluted due to rains which, in turn may pollute the organisms living thriving in it. Therefore, consuming fish or crab may pose a higher risk of stomach infection.
You may have heard that you should not consume cold food items in the changing weather. While the advice is quite apt especially if you are someone with a compromised immunity, the current weather is not entirely cold. Therefore, to ensure your gut health is calm to the core, you must consume food items such as mint, celery, basil, cucumber, etc. that are intrinsically cool and can help you keep your gut healthy.
Remember to consume these items at room temperature to avoid catching a cold!
Vegetables such as spinach, cabbage, brinjals, etc. are well known to harbour different types of worms in the rainy season. Therefore, you should avoid eating these veggies raw. While you must eat leafy greens, make sure to wash them properly and cook them well to avoid any further infections.
As the monsoon has already arrived, you should be mindful of the stagnant water in your surroundings. The still water and the humid weather may boost the growth of various disease causing bacteria, viruses, and larvae. Hence, to avoid the growth of ailment-boosting organisms, you should always eliminate the stagnant water and get larvicides sprayed in your surroundings.
That’s all in your guide to wellness for the changing weather conditions!
Don’t forget to share this letter with the friends and family that you care about! ❤️
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