India Turning Into a Gas Chamber- How to Tackle the Rising Threat of Air Pollution

India Turning Into a Gas Chamber- How to Tackle the Rising Threat of Air Pollution

Of the 30 cities with the worst air pollution across the globe, 21 are in India, according to Clean Air Fund, a global philanthropic organisation working with governments, funders, businesses and campaigners to create a future where everyone breathes clean air. It also revealed that air pollution, a silent killer, causes more than 2 million deaths a year in India. 

Despite being the most precious commodity on the planet, the air we breathe does not come with a conventional price tag. So it’s no surprise then that this ultimate necessity, which keeps us alive and determines the quality of our existence, is taken for granted. Sometimes intentionally and at other times due to a lack of awareness, we abuse the air around us and thanks to our own actions, this is culminating in steep costs - the quality of life and life itself. 

Well on that backdrop we will be discussing the deteriorating Air Quality Index or AQI, and how its rising numbers put our health, especially our youth, at risk.

What is AQI?

The Air Quality Index is a scale that measures the concentration of pollutants, like carbon monoxide, sulfur dioxide, various types of particulate matter (PM) in the air, amongst others, in the air we breathe. 

A low AQI means clean, healthy air, while a high AQI signals danger. 

  • AQI of below 50: Safe and breathable air.
  • AQI of 51-100: Moderate air quality, but some pollutants in it may still affect sensitive groups.
  • AQI of above 300: Hazardous air quality, posing risks to everyone, regardless of age or state of health.

Sadly, in cities like Delhi, Kanpur, and Lucknow, AQI often skyrockets past 400 in winter.

The Hidden Threat of Air Pollution to the Youth

Our youth, the future of this country, are the most vulnerable to this hazard. They step out to study, work, play and commute, inhaling polluted air that doesn't just irritate their lungs but can damage them irreparably. Research shows that prolonged exposure to poor air quality can lead to:

  • Chronic respiratory issues like asthma and bronchitis.
  • Cognitive decline due to neurotoxins in polluted air.
  • Stunted lung development in children.
  • Increased risks of cardiovascular diseases later in life.

And do you know what the most alarming part is? This damage happens slowly and silently. 

Why is AQI so poor in India?

India’s unique mix of urbanisation, industrial activity, and climate patterns worsens air pollution. Some of the key contributors towards the degraded levels of AQI are:

  • Vehicular Emissions: Heavy traffic on our roads emits harmful particulates.
  • Industrial Pollution: Multiple factories release toxins into the air.
  • Crop Burning: Seasonal stubble burning, in states like Punjab and Haryana, adds to winter smog.
  • Firecrackers: Celebratory fireworks worsen air quality during festivals.
  • Construction Dust: Rapid urbanisation leaves our air choked with fine particles.

Awareness Sparks Change

Imagine an 8-year-old running out to catch her school bus in Delhi. She wears a mask on her face, carries her schoolbag on her shoulders, and pollutants in her lungs. Should this be their new normal?

Only by acknowledging this reality and committing to change can we begin to create a healthier future.

What Can We Do?

While tackling AQI requires systemic changes, small individual efforts can also make a difference:

  • Plant More Trees: Support ‘Green city, Clean city’ initiatives and plant as many trees as possible. Remember, a greener environment is a safer environment.
  • Use Public Transport: Reduce carbon footprint by choosing public transport over personal vehicles, whenever possible. You may also follow the famous odd-even rule and carpool practices to reduce personal vehicle usage.
  • Eat Citrus Foods: Citrus foods such as mandarin oranges, pineapple, lemon, etc., are rich in Vitamin C, which aids in detoxification. Incorporate these items into your daily diet to strengthen your pulmonary immunity.
  • Exercise Indoors: While exercising should be an integral part of a healthy routine, try transitioning to indoor exercises, such as yoga and aerobics on high-pollution days.
  • Hydrate Yourself: Your larynx and trachea play a crucial role in purifying the air you breathe. However, when dehydrated, they may not perform well. So, make sure to drink plenty of water daily.
  • Protect Yourself: Use a mask when you step outdoors and invest in indoor air purifiers, if possible. As far as possible, enhance your living and working spaces with air-purifying indoor plants.
  • Say No to Crackers: Celebrate festivals in eco-friendly ways and avoid using crackers.
  • Advocate for Policy Change: Push for stricter industrial regulations and clean energy initiatives.


A Wake-Up Call for India - AQI and Our Health

The AQI is more than just a number it is a reflection of how we’re treating our environment. As a country, India is at the crossroads. Do we continue down this path we are on, or should we demand cleaner air for future generations?

Let’s commit to breathing easier, not just today but every day, by taking necessary steps towards a greener, healthier environment.

Till next time...

Stay Healthy, Stay Happy!

Team Care Health

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