What is Volunteerism?

What is Volunteerism?

Volunteerism is the engagement of people to support a cause or community through free labour to do community service. Simply put, it is contributing your time and energy without any financial gain in return but as a social responsibility towards those who need your support. It is a way to give back to society and gain valuable experience. This blog will discuss the concept of volunteerism and describe the importance of volunteerism.

Concept of Volunteerism

Volunteerism can be defined as the practice of offering time and skill to support people, communities, and causes without any financial benefits. Volunteering can be a rewarding experience as it provides an opportunity to bring positive change in the lives of many people. In the process, a volunteer also evolves as a human being. It helps develop social skills, empathy, and self-confidence. 

Let us look at some terms similar to volunteerism but different in meaning.


When you combine volunteerism with travel, it is called voluntourism. Voluntourism or volunteer tourism is when people volunteer while travelling overseas or travelling with a purpose. You can volunteer as a traveller for different types of activities. These activities can be: 

  • Teaching
  • Child care
  • Caregiving to seniors
  • Healthcare
  • Conservation
  • Community service
  • Voluntarism

People often confuse volunteerism with voluntarism but both are entirely different concepts. To understand voluntarism vs. volunteerism, let's first understand what voluntarism is. Voluntarism is a philosophical term that means will or voluntary choice. Doing some activity out of will without getting influenced by external factors, can be termed voluntarism.

Forced Volunteerism

Also known as Mandatory Volunteerism, it is a concept that promotes youth engagement in social services and addresses the issue of low youth volunteerism. It requires school students to devote some hours to mandatory community work as part of their curriculum.

Importance of Youth Volunteerism

According to research studies on volunteerism, the more you volunteer, the more positive impact it can have on your overall well-being. Giving always makes you happy and has a positive effect on your health. This is why volunteering is important.

Helps You Make New Friends

Volunteering is a great way to make new friends. When involved in a shared activity, you connect with people better and meet new people with common interests.

Boosts Self-confidence

Volunteering is a journey of self-discovery. It challenges you to step outside your comfort zone, building confidence and a sense of identity. And when you combine travel with volunteer work, you gain a better understanding of the world and valuable insights into your own life. 

Positive Impact on Mental Health

The social connections and support system that come with volunteering help in dealing with stress, depression, and anxiety because it distracts you from negativity. You no longer feel lonely because of supportive people around you, which positively affects your mental health.  

Important for Career

Volunteering experience is beneficial for career growth. Potential employers consider volunteers responsible, proactive, and driven.

Gives a Purpose

Volunteering helps you find meaning and purpose in life. Working for any cause you feel passionate about transforms your personality and thought process. This sense of purpose gives life direction.

Motivation and Constraints of Volunteerism

To encourage more youth to engage in volunteerism, it is important to understand what motivates volunteers and what constraints prevent them from doing so. 


Here are some top factors that motivate a person to volunteer.

  • Identity - Volunteering gives you a social identity that defines you and your purpose as an individual. Recognition and fame are also motivating factors for many people.
  • Personal Growth - Volunteering helps you achieve your personal and professional goals, leading to your personal growth.
  • Community connection - Volunteering helps you build a connection with the communities you serve. The need to connect is also a motivating factor.


Some reasons that can cause volunteers to leave or restrict them from taking volunteering roles are

  • Dissatisfaction - It happens if the motivational factors are not working and you start feeling dissatisfied.
  • Time restrictions - If the timelines are not clearly defined and you have other important things also to manage.
  • Change in circumstances -  Sometimes changes in personal or professional circumstances also act as a constraint in volunteering.


Volunteerism is a rewarding way to leave a positive impact on society. Getting out of your comfort zone and meeting people from varied backgrounds can alter how you think and approach life. If you enjoy travelling, combine volunteering with travelling. However to ensure financial security against emergencies, always get travel insurance to secure your trip. 

At Care Health Insurance, our experts will understand your unique requirements and propose a plan that best suits your needs. So without wasting any time, get your volunteer travel insured with a Care health insurance travel plan today and travel with a cause!

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