Care Insurance
  • Published on 29 May, 2024

    Updated on 29 May, 2024


    6 min Read

The world is full of queer places that have mysterious connotations to various horrifying anecdotes. Some are famous for paranormal or supernatural encounters, such as ghostly creatures or spirits. Others are famous for spine-chilling historical tales of bloodshed, genocides and torture. Such mysterious places in the world are a matter of curiosity for phobophilic people.

If you are bewildered by this term, here’s an explanation: “Phobophilia” literally means “love of fears.” If you are an adventure-lover fascinated by the supernatural and mysterious happenings, here’s a complete list of the most haunted places in the world that you must visit at least once in your lifetime!

So scroll down and select your favourite destination that should be a part of your adventure trip this year.

7 Most Haunted Places in the World 

La Isla de la Muñecas, Mexico City 

La Isla de la muñecas, mexico city

The first destination on our list is this island situated in Mexico City. 

The Spanish name of this spooky island translates to ‘Island of the Dead Dolls’ in English. The name itself gives a spectral impression of the actual landscapes. 

The story behind the island dates back to the 1940s and concerns its mystic owner, Don Julian Santana Barrera. When this hermit was the island's caretaker, he found a little girl drowning in an obscure situation. Despite trying hard, he couldn’t save her. Nor was he able to discern the exact circumstances that caused the little girl to drown in the island’s calm waters. 

Subsequently, monk Julian found a doll floating near the canal. Shaken by the turn of events, Julian thought the doll to be the dead girl's spirit. So he lifted the doll and hung it on a tree, paying her homage. After that, the poor monk began hanging dolls on every tree on the island. He did so to ward off the evil spirits, which he thought were responsible for the girl’s death. However, this made the island landscape too creepy and spooky, even for a devil; forget about people!

The Defunct Hospital of Changi, Singapore 

The Defunct Hospital of Changi, Singapore

Although a hospital is a place of healing and rehabilitation, an abandoned hospital can be a hellish landscape full of dread. Such is the old defunct Hospital of Changi in Singapore. 

The British government had built it as a general hospital in Changi in 1935. During World War II, when the Japanese occupied Singapore, this hospital served as a military treatment facility for the wounded Japanese soldiers, besides a guardhouse for the allied prisoners of war, governed by ‘Kempeitai’, or the Japanese military police. 

Some pieces of evidence, such as bloodstains left on the floor of a room with chains hanging on the walls, reveal the possibility that it might also house a torture chamber. Surrounded by mysterious things, such as the remnants of an old torture device, this hospital is now believed to be inhabited by the spirits of the victims of Japanese atrocities and soldiers who died during the war.

Auschwitz Camp, Poland

Auschwitz Camp, Poland

One of the most dreaded sites in the world that attracts huge footfall is the Nazi Concentration Camp at Auschwitz, Poland. Those who have watched the 1993 Steven Speilberg Oscar-winning film Schindler’s List or the most recent 2024 Oscar best international film The Zone of Interest must have an idea of how brutally the anti-semitic forces of Hitler exterminated the Jewish folks. 

For others who have read about the Nazi atrocities in their history textbooks but haven’t visualised the same, here’s a chance to visit the actual scene of the holocaust. Perhaps this is the reason why this place of hatred has attracted over 44 million tourists since 1945, who come here to sense the agony of those who succumbed to the extreme ways of killing. 

Although this place doesn’t have any trace of paranormal encounters, there’s no need for any! Every nook and corner of the site will make you hear the blood-curdling cries of “declared undesirable” people whose right to life was taken away from them. No doubt photography can make a death camp look beautiful from the outside, like the above image.

Inside, you will see gas chambers, open-air ovens, barbed wires, and many such death devices meant for the “final solution” that will scare the hell out of you.

Tower of London, England

Tower of London, England

The historic Tower of London Castle tells the story of the English monarchy from its inception. The castle was built in 1066 after William the Conqueror's conquest of England. Since then, it has had a nine-century-long gruesome history of assassinations and executions from generations of various dynasties that have ruled the country. 

Even to this age, people in London still believe that the souls of all those who met unnatural or unjust death in the English royalty loom in and around this historic building. The most famous ghost that most Londoners have claimed is of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of the 15th-century monarch King Henry VIII, who was beheaded on the charge of treason. 

People have claimed to have seen her headless body looming in Tower Green, where she was executed. Similar tales revolve around King Henry VI, who was stabbed to death while praying. The list also includes Jane Grey, the teenage queen who ruled only for nine days (1553), after which she was killed by Mary of Tudors (or the “Bloody Mary”) for the throne.

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

Edinburgh Castle, Scotland

And here stands another haunted UNESCO World Heritage site, with more ghastly tales of military quests, murders, gore and abomination. 

The castle has a 900-year-long history of deadly battles and political unrest, to which many paranormal anecdotes have been attached. Over the ages, the Scots have believed in all these tales, while some have even experienced spectral sightings of the famous ghosts associated with this place. 

Most frequent is the “Headless Drummer Boy”, who was last sighted by the watchkeepers before Christmas of 1650. Shortly thereafter, the armies of Oliver Cromwell invaded and conquered this castle on Christmas Day, defacing all the decorations and festivities. The Great Hall was converted into a military garrison. Since then, the headless drummer has never been sighted by anyone, but the gruesome drumming sounds can still be heard in the ramparts. People believe the castle will again be attacked if anyone sees the drummer boy.

Similarly, a “Grey Lady” ghost looms around the hallways of the Castle— that of Lady Janet Douglas. She was burned at the stake in 1537 on false charges of witchcraft. Such creepy chronicles make this site one of the most mysterious places in the world.

Winchester Mystery House, USA

Winchester Mystery House, USA

Even the Americans, who assert themselves as the most progressive and industrialised nation, believe in some supernatural tales and fantasies. While many of them are associated with the residences of influential figures, one marvellous mansion in Winchester houses the ‘ghost’ of Sarah Winchester. Widow of a wealthy gun magnate, William Winchester, Sarah was a woman much ahead of her time. She was exceptional in maths and science. With an inheritance of US $20 million and a 50% share in her husband’s company, she built this state-of-the-art mansion with a futuristic design. 

Yet, after she died in 1922, the news of paranormal activities became common among the visitors. The bizarre corners of the villa, such as staircases leading you nowhere or rooms within rooms, are commonly believed to be the abodes of the ghosts of all those who died from Winchester rifles. 

Gettysburg’s Hallowed Battlefield, Pennsylvania (USA)

Gettysburg’s Hallowed Battlefield, Pennsylvania

The world knows about the Gettysburg Address of 1863, in which Lincoln declared the end of the American Civil War and the abolition of slavery. The Hallowed Battlefield of Gettysburg, where 7,000 soldiers were said to have died in the final battle against slavery, is now preserved in the form of Gettysburg National Military Park. Here, people participate in ‘living history programs’ that exhibit live enactions of the war scene with actual flashes of bayonets and roars of canons. 

Amid all the triumphant shows, what is so queer about this place is that visitors often report whimsical sightings, such as phantom soldiers marching in formations at night. Besides, some have reported seeing ghosts of orphan children in the old National Soldiers' Orphans Homestead building. Such stories attract more visitors to the historic site than the routine programs.

These are some of the most haunted places in the world, and their mysteries will surely intrigue you. So, if you love fantasy, it is time to pack your bags and get ready for a trip to one of the most bizarre yet mysterious places in the world.

But wait! 

Fearsome Trip Requires a Fear-Easing Travel Companion

A journey around these spectral sites may involve a certain degree of horror and cause you to become breathless or edgy. So, if you are already a patient with hypertension or anxiety, you must get the ideal travel partner in the form of a travel insurance plan

International travel insurance such as Care Explore may cover you up to specified limits if you encounter a life-threatening condition due to a pre-informed and existing disease. Please read the policy terms to understand the coverage beforehand so that you can fully enjoy your action-packed journey without worrying much about the illness and expenses related to it.

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