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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Jul, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 29 Jul, 2024
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Written by Mudit Handa
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Every year on July 29th, the world comes together to celebrate World Ors Day highlighting the importance of a humble drink: Oral Rehydration Solution. It was discovered by an Indian, Dr. Dilip Mahalanabis who was voluntarily serving in the refugee camp of Bongaon, West Bengal during the war of 1971. His simple mixture saved thousands of lives from Cholera, the dreaded epidemic India faced at that time. This discovery is hence considered the most important medical discovery in the 20th century. It was unbelievable what a simple mixture of glucose, salt and water can do to save lives.
In 2001, The Indian Academy Of Paediatrics established World Oral Rehydration Salts Day, intending to lower cases of child deaths due to diarrhoea.
This day serves as a poignant reminder of the fight against dehydration and diarrhoea with the most basic intervention which has proved to have a profound impact on public health especially in terms of child deaths caused by dehydration and diarrhoea.
The symptoms of dehydration may seem obvious to you. But it is not always the feeling of thirst that points towards dehydration. It may vary with age as well. For children, the most common symptoms include:
It is crucial to drink extra fluids as soon as diarrhoea starts to maintain the fluid and salt balance of the body. You can treat yourself to some soup, juices or home-made energy drinks along with water to maintain clear urine and satisfy frequent thirst. As dehydration tends to affect children and elderly adults with underlying medical issues, more severely ORS works wonders for them.
It is advisable to use commercially available ORS rather than homemade ones, as homemade ones are not strong enough to treat severe dehydration conditions. The water used for preparing the solution should be boiled or treated for hygiene. You should consume ORS within 12 hours of preparation if kept at room temperature or should be discarded. The benefits that this drink brings to a patient are:
However, dosage and preparation of ORS should be carefully considered as per recommended amounts by the World Health Organisation which specifies how much electrol powder to drink in a day as per age.
For children under 2 years, an amount of 50 to 100 ml of ORS after each episode of diarrhoea is appropriate. Children aged 2 to 9 years need to drink 100 to 200 ml of ORS, after each episode of diarrhoea. For a person 10 years and older, an adequate amount of ORS can be up to 2 litres a day depending on the severity of the situation.
Along with these important points, you also need to understand that having an insurance policy helps in case the situation turns worse and you need a quick hospital visit. Health insurance not only helps in covering the treatment expenses along with other defined benefits but also covers the emergency ambulance costs for transporting the patient to the hospital. Also, cashless benefit is a plus.
Excess of even good things can lead to soured experiences. If the ORS is used as recommended then it becomes the safest and most trusted treatment for dehydration. However, an excess amount of it may cause some mild side effects like mild nausea or vomiting, worsen existing diarrhoea, and give you stomach aches. Rarely, but possibly it can cause some serious side effects like electrolyte imbalances if not prepared as per directions and kidney problems. If you face such symptoms, do not hesitate to contact your physician for advice.
This day serves many purposes, raising awareness about the use of ORS, preventing conditions causing severe diarrhoea and ensuring accessibility of ORS to children and older adults through regular pharmacies and hospitals.
These points sum up the theme for this day. In 2023, the theme declared was O-only, R-rational, S- Solution for diarrhoea, with the slogan “Oral Rehydration, No More Dehydration” which emphasises the effectiveness and simplicity of this mixture in treatment.
World ORS Day celebrates simple and effective healthcare solutions for a healthier future for the vulnerable sections of society. The educational campaigns and understanding of conditions like diarrhoea and dehydration help limit unwanted deaths and diseases in areas where awareness about hygiene, and sanitation is a distant reality.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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