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Published on 14 Nov, 2022
Updated on 18 Mar, 2025
6 min Read
Written by Anjali Sharma
Reviewed by Munmi Sharma
Out of 2.3 million women diagnosed with breast cancer, 670,000 died in 2022. The disease occurs in every country in the world and is the most common cancer in women in 157 countries. Learn more about what is breast cancer, its symptoms, causes and treatment.
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that forms in the breast cells and grows out of control. If untreated, it can spread to different parts of the breast and gradually spread to other parts of the body through blood and lymph vessels. The breast has three main components: lobules that produce milk, ducts, the tubes that carry milk, and connective tissue that holds everything together.
Most breast tumours start in the ducts, called ductal cancers. A tumour in lobules is known as lobule cancer. It's important to know that not all breast lumps are cancerous. Some are non-cancerous but with abnormal growth. But they do not spread outside the breast and are not life-threatening. That's why it's advisable to consult a doctor once you notice signs of breast cancer.
One of the most common symptoms of breast cancer in women is a lump or thickened tissue in the breast or armpit. While breast cancer symptoms can vary among individuals, some standard warning signs are:
If you experience any signs and symptoms of breast cancer in women, visit a doctor for a complete examination and discuss concerns.
While the exact cause of breast cancer is still unclear; It is estimated that approximately 50% of cases in women occur due to age, without any specific risk factors. However, certain risk factors make it more likely. Risk factors under your control should be prevented. Other causes of breast cancer include:
Please note that some women can develop breast cancer without any risk factors. Having risk factors does not mean you will get the disease, and not all risk factors will have the same effect.
Breast cancer is broadly categorized into three main types: invasive, non-invasive, and rare. These are detailed below:
Timely screening is crucial for early detection and improved outcomes. Breast cancer can be diagnosed in the following ways-
Treatment for breast cancer is personalized and depends on factors like the type and stage of cancer:
Hormonal Therapy
Radiation Therapy
Targeted Therapy
No single food can cause or prevent breast cancer. All eating habits and dietary choices collectively contribute to one’s health.
The following can be a nutritious diet, preventing breast cancer cells in the body-
The cause of breast cancer is still unknown to us, but the following foods may lead to it-
Other than a lump, breast cancer has several other signs. Check out below-
Breast cancer is among the most significant health risks in Indian women. It is a commonly occurring type of cancer in women. Nearly 2,000 new cases occur every day. Lack of awareness and delayed diagnosis are significant obstacles to ensuring timely treatment.
Furthermore, with so much information on the internet, several misconceptions about breast cancer are doing the rounds, thus creating panic and confusion.
Myth 1: Breast Cancer occurs only if there is a Family Medical History
Myth 2: Injury to the Breasts can cause Cancer
Myth 3: Only Older Women are prone to Breast Cancer
Myth 4: Breast Cancer can’t occur in men
Myth 5: Lumps in the Breast is always a sign of Breast Cancer
Myth 6: Mammography is Painful and Unsafe
Myth 7: Any Pain in the Breast is a symptom of Breast Cancer
According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG), women in their 20s and 30s should take a self-breast examination every three years and women in their 40s should take it yearly. Women at an increased risk of breast cancer should do annual mammograms and MRIs.
The cost of diagnosis and treatment of breast cancer is high. A single session can cost you thousands; health insurance may be a saviour. It supports you in fighting the battle by taking off the financial burden. Comprehensive cancer insurance coverage lets you focus on your healing without worrying about medical expenses.
>> Also Read: Ways to Deal with Stress During Breast Cancer Treatment
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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