Care Insurance
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    autorenewUpdated on 18 Mar, 2024

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"Women's health needs to be front and centre – it often isn't, but it needs to be"

We will soon be celebrating International Women's Day 2024. While everyone should prioritise their health irrespective of their gender, economic status, and age, whole year round, days like International Women's Day should encourage a review of various women-related issues. Known by many names such as International Ladies Day, National Female Day, and International Female Day is basically to draw attention to issues that women face globally. One such area where we all need to focus our attention is the health status of women in India.

Numerous studies show that, generally, women deal with more health issues than men. Women have many conditions to watch out for, including osteoporosis, menopause, and mental health. However, one should always know that there are several things women may take to shield themselves from contracting any health condition.

On the occasion of International Women's Day, which is celebrated every year on 8th March, we take the initiative to spread awareness about women's health in India. Read on to understand 

Women's Health in India

women health

Health is undeniably an essential factor that plays a role in every woman's well-being. Women's health in India can be easily evaluated through multiple indicators such as geography, culture and socioeconomic status. Women in India currently experience a spectrum of health challenges, such as adolescent pregnancy, maternal mortality, and violence against women. These issues inevitably ripple across various aspects of society, affecting countless lives.

Nutritional Status of Women in India

When it comes to women health issues in India, we need to understand that women's health awareness is much more essential. This is because, in most households, it is the women who are not just the bearers but also the caretakers. Their health and well-being affect the family and the society.

Women's Nutritional Status, especially in India and its underdeveloped regions, is worrisome. WHO studies indicate that many women ignore their dietary and physical needs, sometimes from a very young age. According to a survey, many women and teenage females experience iron deficiency or anaemia along with issues of being underweight and overweight. Data suggests that this results in a perpetuating cycle of undernourishment across generations. Undernourished mothers will probably give birth to undernourished babies. 

nutritional status of women

Nutritional Status of Women in Rural Areas

When celebrating International Ladies Day, it is also essential to take a look at women in rural areas. Most of them have to experience health issues due to their failure to meet their daily dietary requirements. Due to their inability to meet their daily nutritional requirements in rural areas, poverty levels are especially concerned about this tendency. Calcium and folic acid deficiencies have an impact on women's sexual health. One main reason for foetal anomalies and the birth of children with deformities is inadequate nutritional consumption during pregnancy, particularly Folic Acid.

Women in rural and poverty-affected areas have to fight more health-related atrocities than those in urban areas. As women enter adulthood, they are restricted from achieving education and access to quality healthcare services in rural areas. Hence, lack of awareness in rural areas has led women to suffer from a poor and mismanaged healthcare system.

>> Also Read: Health Insurance Plans for Women in India

Cervical Cancer Cases in India

According to the Lancet report, India and China are two countries with the highest number of cervical cancer cases in Asia. 23% of the 40% fatalities from cervical cancer worldwide are from India. 3,41,831 fatalities and 6,04,127 new cases were recorded globally in 2020; 21% of them were from India. As per the 2022, Global Cancer Observatory, out of all the new cancer cases reported, 32% were cervical, oral and breast cancer .

The number of deaths in the nation reflects inequalities in access to good health services. The key to decreasing these numbers is early diagnosis; a quick test called a pap smear can help detect cervical cancer and increase the likelihood that it will be treatable. Beyond the age of 35, regular pap smears can offer options for cervical cancer prevention.

Why is Healthcare Difficult for Most Indian Women?

A study by experts from India and Harvard University shows that women in India go through gender bias, resulting in limited or no access to quality healthcare. Many stereotypes in India forbid women to voice out about the health issues they must face. While women are an essential pillar of the family and society, they suffer poor health outcomes nationwide. The reasons are aplenty. From socioeconomic limitations to cultural barriers, from geographic constraints to discriminatory practices and inadequate care, all these factors are responsible for poor women health in India. The repercussions are borne not only by the women but also by their families. Addressing these multifaceted barriers is, therefore, essential to ensure that women get equitable access to healthcare.

How does Poor Healthcare System Affect Reproduction among Women?

The aspect of women's health that receives the least attention is reproductive rights. Notwithstanding the fact that abortion causes 14% of all maternal fatalities nationwide, making safe abortion services easily accessible is still a matter of concern. To improve the standard of health, raising awareness about contraception and addressing family planning requirements is crucial. Another crucial aspect of women's rights is establishing accountability for offering women high-quality healthcare services so that they can be stress-free about their pregnancy-related issues.

In a Nutshell

The health crisis that women have to face is unfathomable. Keeping this in mind, Care Health Insurance's exclusively customised maternity health insurance plans and critical illness support them in getting quality healthcare in India. Not just on International Women's Day 2024, but 365 days a year, we believe in celebrating the real essence of women to advance the future of Indian healthcare. The biggest advantage of health plans by Care Health Insurance is that apart from being comprehensive, most of these plans are suited for women across age groups as well as economic backgrounds. Affordable and readily available health plans are indeed a great way to ensure that when a medical emergency comes knocking, there are no financial constraints for seeking the best possible treatment. 

So, as we wish you a Happy International Women's Day, we urge you to come forward and reach out for any support that could help you in a medical crisis. 

Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.

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