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calendar_monthPublished on 16 Jun, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 30 May, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Health is precious and must always be safeguarded. Nowadays, ailments such as diabetes and hypertension have become common and affect people who do not even have any medical history. The reason is the unhealthy lifestyle that young adults lead. It is difficult to predict when one would fall sick and need medical attention. Nowadays, medical treatment has become expensive. It is better to be prepared financially to handle the exorbitant cost of healthcare.
Buying a health policy is a must; more importantly, a plan that not only provides good coverage but also minimizes hassles of frequent renewal.
Investing in long term health insurance is a safe bet as there are many advantages associated with it. As the name implies, long term health plans are those plans that have tenure of more than one year.
If renewal is not done on time, a health policy will lapse, and the policyholder would lose out on the benefits like ‘no claim bonus.’ Usually, mediclaim policies are valid for up to one year and would require renewal regularly to get continued cover. Long-term health plans, on the other hand, keep the policyholder worry-free about renewal for at least 2 years or as long as the policy is valid.
To minimize the impact of high premium costs, policyholders can avail the discounts on health insurance premium. Leading insurers such as Care Health Insurance offer discounts on premium if the policyholders select longer policy tenure.
Such features also indicate that in case there is any revision of the premium rate, the long-term health policy will not be affected by it. Thus, considering the health coverage and benefits offered, the long-term plan is more affordable,
There are various types of health insurance available these days. As healthcare costs are skyrocketing, getting financial protection in the form of a comprehensive health cover is of utmost importance. A long-term policy rightly fulfills this requirement. By opting for this policy, one can stay stress-free about medical bills for a continuous period of 2 years or more.
Moreover, this policy provides numerous benefits, including cover for pre-and-post hospitalization medical expenses and annual health check-up. Also, one can look forward to getting maternity cover and high coverage for serious ailments that are not available in short-term plans.
>> Also read the benefits of buying a long term health insurance
Long term health insurance plans are a viable option for people who need maximum health cover at an affordable rate. Furthermore, there are tax benefits available under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, which is a blessing.
If you are less than 60 years of age, buying such types of health insurance will not be a problem. For senior citizens who find it difficult to buy such plans, there are customized plans available that are specifically designed to meet the health needs of the elderly.
Buying a health plan is easy nowadays, as the online facility has minimized paperwork. Once an individual has assessed the health needs, it becomes easy to customize the plan by selecting a suitable sum insured and policy tenure.
Opt for long term health insurance plans by us. Select ‘Care’ to secure yourself and your family under a single policy. Avail quality medical care at any of the 24800+ cashless healthcare providers and experience claim procedures that are hassle-free.
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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