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calendar_monthPublished on 6 Oct, 2020
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Becoming parents is one of the significant milestones for any couple. A new member is added to your family, which means additional responsibility. Nowadays, healthcare has become expensive. Buying family health insurance is one of the best ways to secure the future of your child. Creating a secure future for your child is one of the important things parents must do; but, some of them do not have enough knowledge as to how to begin financial planning for their growing family. A newborn baby of minimum age of 91 days is eligible for health cover under a family floater health insurance.
Let us discuss some of the critical financial planning tips for your family:
Read More: Protect your new born with an Affordable Health Plan
Family health insurance is an excellent option for taking care of your family’s healthcare needs. This plan is also available online, and the buying process is hassle-free. It is advisable to opt for an affordable family health insurance that can cover all of your family members, including the newborn baby. If you are living in a metro city, then getting an adequate cover is mandatory for a peaceful living. Depending on the size of the family, you must opt for a comprehensive health cover. For example, Rs. 15-40 Lakhs cover would be sufficient if you are living in a metro city.
If you are looking for a family health insurance in India, then you can opt for our Care Health Insurance Policy. It offers various benefits such as cover for pre and post hospitalization medical expenses, annual health check-up, and ambulance cover.
Hope the above-mentioned financial planning tips would help you in planning your finances.
Disclaimer: Plan features, benefits, coverage, and underwriting of claims are subject to policy terms and conditions. Please refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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