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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Feb, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 1 Jun, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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The later years of life are to be relished as that’s the time to relax after all the hard work you have done in the years gone by. It is about living stress-free and taking care of your health. In that respect, having health insurance is a must.
Health insurance for senior citizens is no longer an option; it is a necessity. When people get old, the frequency of ailments increases. This makes health insurance for senior citizens even more important. Here are the reasons why it is a must: -
When in your old age, your health must take precedence over everything else. Follow an active lifestyle, keep yourself engaged, and get strict about your diet. Another important thing to do here is to have a senior citizen's health insurance plan in place so that health expenses (whenever they arise) do not hinder the zest for living life to the fullest in your later years.
Health insurance plans that cater to senior citizens are available with a lot of plans like detailed health check-ups at no extra cost, coverage for alternative treatments, hospitalization coverage, and ambulance cover and so on. This not only gives the senior citizens a hassle-free life but also promotes a healthy lifestyle.
Healthcare needs vary from age to age and so do the expenses related to healthcare. While staying covered under a family health plan is also a solution, it is ideal to have a health insurance plan that can take care of the frequent healthcare expenses associated with old age. With the lesser dependency on a family health plan, you can take charge of your healthcare expenses.
When you opt for a senior citizen health insurance plan, you get benefits like annual health checkups, automatic recharge of sum insured, coverage for pre-hospitalization expenses up to 30 days and post-hospitalization up to 60 days, flexibility of taking a second opinion for a major illness/injury once per policy year, and a lot more.
Care Health Insurance is a trusted brand that offers comprehensive health insurance plans for senior citizens. A network of 24800+ cashless healthcare providers, you can enjoy your golden years without worrying about healthcare expenses.
Disclaimer: Please read the brochure and prospectus to know more about our health insurance plans cover as conditions may vary.
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