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Published on 24 Feb, 2020
Updated on 29 Jan, 2025
2 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
A nutritious diet and regular exercises are keys to staying healthy, routine health check-ups are also essential to detect ailments early and minimize health risks. Healthcare costs in India, including the expenses of medical screenings, are quite high. Health insurance plans offer a shield to your hard-earned savings in times of medical emergencies that could lead to huge expenditures.
A health insurance policy includes an annual free medical check-up as a benefit. Care Health Insurance offers annual health check-ups as part of its health plans, namely ‘Care’ – a family health cover and ‘Care Freedom’ – a specific health cover for people with diabetes.
Let us understand the benefits of annual health check-ups with health insurance plans:
Health check-ups involving various diagnostics tests are expensive in India. Regular checks can impact a family’s budget significantly. A full-body medical check-up can cost up to Rs 3,000. Insurance policy holder can avail cashless facility for annual health check-up done at any empanelled service provider.
Care Health Insurance offers an annual health check-up even when the policyholder has filed a claim in the same year.
Medical problems are easily identified and treated before they become severe through regular check-ups. For example, detecting high blood sugar levels early can aid in diabetes management and the prevention of various complications associated with the disease.
Early detection of health issues also helps in minimizing huge expenses at a later stage.
Simple tests can be done to identify the threats of potential disease, reducing the risk of life-threatening conditions.This is particularly true if the person has a family medical history. Medical checks also help in getting a clear picture of one’s overall health condition.
Blood tests are helpful for doctors when it comes to assessing the functions of vital organs in the body, such as heart, kidneys and liver.
Some people believe that their insurance premium might be affected if any ailment is detected during the check-up. However, this is not so as your insurer will consider pre-existing diseasesonly when you are buying a health insurance policy.
Those already suffering from a medical condition like hypertension or diabetes can know about their present state of health and their progress with medication through medical check-ups. This would also give an idea about the right kind of treatment or any change of medication required for a person.
Given the fast-paced lifestyle that most of us are leading, stress has become a natural consequence and seriously affects our health. Some stress-related disorders include hypertension, high blood pressure, depression, and gastrointestinal issues. It is only through timely medical check-ups can these problems be detected and cured.
Our prime concern is your good health and for this, we offer preventive check-up. We provide an annual health check-up at our Network Providers or Service Providers specifically impanelled with us to provide services in India for all the insured members covered under the policy on a cashless basis.
Disclaimer: Please read the brochure and prospectus to know more about our health insurance plans cover as conditions may vary.
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