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calendar_monthPublished on 20 Jun, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 9 Oct, 2024
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Written by Mudit Handa
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The red and itchy bumps on the skin could be embarrassing and humiliating. We always have the uncontrollable urge to relieve the itch, but it neither heals nor goes away easily.
Causes of skin allergy and itching could be due to multiple factors such as exposure to a variety of plants/pollen, or allergic reactions to a medication or a food. Let us learn more about skin allergies, reason for skin allergy, and some tips on how to control allergy on skin. Keep reading through the blog to understand various kinds of skin irritation, its causes, symptoms and treatment.
The most common causes of allergy in skin could be around you or inside you. You need to be conscious about what triggers your allergic symptoms.
When an individual has a weak immune system, they become more prone towards allergies. Different types of allergies show different signs and symptoms, let's learn about some of them.
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Since skin allergies can have multiple causes, their diagnosis may also be complicated and involve different tests.
Skin rashes are treated based on their causes. It can take several days or weeks to completely cure the allergy . But there is always a chance of recurrence after the recovery. The most common methods and tips on how to control allergy on skin are discussed below:
Pro Tips: The little things you can do to fasten the process of recovery of your skin allergies are wearing loose cotton clothing, not putting on heavy make-up in the sweltering heat, putting cool compression on infected areas or taking an oatmeal bath. Use calamine lotion and hydrocortisone creams if the situation aggravates.
Consult your doctor without delay for skin rashes treatment. Additionally, you may invest in Care Health insurance’s Care Supreme Health Insurance with Care OPD add-on cover that pays for up to four OPD consultations with your dermatologist.
Skin allergies are something you may have to deal with throughout your lifetime. Although skin allergies are typically harmless, aggravated conditions may sometimes even lead to hospitalisation!
A chronic and recurrent disease requires long-term care and financial support for recovery. Therefore, having health insurance coverage helps you to be prepared for those unplanned expenses that may arise out of a chronic health condition due to allergy.
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