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calendar_monthPublished on 11 Jul, 2024
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Written by Riya Lohia
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World Population Day is observed on July 11 every year to bring attention towards population issues worldwide and raise awareness about the rising population's impact on development and the environment. Projections indicate that the world population will reach 8.6 billion by 2030, which is estimated to increase by 1.1% every year. An increasing population every year causes strain on resources, with rising demand for food, water, energy, shelter, transportation, etc., leading to ecological disturbances.
This blog highlights the importance of World Population Day, its history, theme, and important facts. Please continue reading to understand why we celebrate World Population Day.
World Population Day is a platform for various organisations and authorities to discuss and address population challenges and design policies to promote sustainable solutions. Given below are the key agendas of this day:
Raise awareness about global population issues like family planning, reproductive health and demographic trends.
To advocate policies for addressing population challenges, governments, NGOs, and policymakers come together on this day to discuss policies.
To promote women’s reproductive rights and ensure access to family planning services and guidance.
To highlight the impact of population growth on the environment, consumption patterns, natural resources and climate change.
On July 11, 1987, the world population reached five billion, drawing attention towards rapid population growth. This day was known as the ‘Day of Five Billion’ and generated an interest in understanding the dynamics of population growth. Here are some key facts:
Inspired by this event, the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) established World Population Day in 1989 to promote awareness about the population challenges.
In December 1990, the United Nations General Assembly passed a resolution to celebrate July 11 as World Population Day annually.
The first World Population Day was celebrated on July 11, 1990, and 90 countries participated.
This year’s theme focuses on the importance of inclusive data collection, where everyone is seen and can exercise their human rights. The theme, “ To Leave No One Behind, Count Everyone”, is about counting the people in all their diversity, whoever they are and wherever they are. Such an initiative ensures healthcare delivery to even the most marginalised people.
Before addressing the population issues and challenges, it is crucial to understand the factors causing the population growth. Here are some underlying factors.
The primary reason behind population growth is the reduced number of deaths compared to births, which indicates a significant improvement in public health globally. Infant mortality rates have decreased and life expectancy has improved. People now live longer than their forefathers. All this has happened due to advances in medical science and improved health and hygiene among people.
There are still many women who either lack access to modern contraceptives or are unaware of them. In many developing countries, women from underprivileged backgrounds still do not use contraceptives because of social norms, misconceptions or lack of say in decision-making, which leads to an increase in the number of unplanned or unwanted pregnancies. If these women get access to family planning services, they will not have to go through unwanted pregnancies and can contribute towards population control.
Compared to males, more females lack access to education. Education is essential for women because it empowers them by making them aware of their rights and enables them to earn a livelihood. As women pursue careers, they choose to delay childbirth and focus more on their personal growth and professional success over just being a mother and a caregiver. Also, they are more aware of family planning services and make informed well-calculated decisions for the betterment and future of their family.
The first step towards addressing overpopulation is empowering women to have decision-making authority. We can achieve this by educating them, giving them knowledge about reproductive health and family planning and providing them access to contraceptives. When women are aware of reproductive health and the benefits of having a small family, their reproductive behaviour also changes.
On this World Population Day, it is also essential to recognise the importance of health insurance in ensuring everyone's access to healthcare services regardless of their sex, location, and financial status. Inclusive health insurance coverage will not only safeguard the well-being of the policyholders but can play an important role in promoting family planning and the importance of smaller and healthier families.
If you haven't invested in a health insurance plan yet, visit the Care Health Insurance website today to explore the wide range of health insurance plans available online.
Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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