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calendar_monthPublished on 1 May, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 1 May, 2024
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Written by Rashmi Rai
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The incidence of cancer in India has been steadily rising. Projections indicate an exponential increase of two million cases by the year 2040. While most are aware of certain common forms of cancer, there are several types that are still rare but quite detrimental. Heart cancer or cardiac sarcoma is a rare form of cancer and is difficult to cure. On-time diagnosis and treatment of heart tumor are vital; otherwise, there always remains a risk of unexplained heart failure.
The life expectancy of the patient after the diagnosis of heart cancer is generally around 6 months if no surgical treatment is given. Even after chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgical treatment, there remains a chance of its reversal. However, modern medical science has been exploring ways to cure heart cancer without leaving a chance for its recurrence.
Heart cancer symptoms often get misdiagnosed with cardiovascular disease, potentially leading to incorrect treatment. This article aims to help you avoid such risks by providing comprehensive information on heart cancer, covering its causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment options.
Let's begin!
Similar to other forms of cancer, primary heart cancer is the result of the unchecked genetic mutation in the heart cells that causes cells to grow and multiply. However, this is less commonly seen among heart cancer patients. The most common form of heart cancer is secondary heart cancer. This occurs when the cancerous cells of the other organs move to the heart and cause cancer. For example, the cancerous cells of breast cancer grow and move to the heart and develop cardiac tumors there. This type of malignant heart cancer is also known as metastatic cancer. Surgical treatment is the first-line treatment that is given to the patient after detecting heart cancer stages. However, the heart cancer survival rate is not very high even with heart cancer surgery because its symptoms relapse after some time.
Some common causes of heart cancer include:
However, angiosarcoma found in blood and lymph vessels is a rare type of soft sarcoma tumour that causes primary heart cancer in patients. Other than this, various types of cardiac sarcomas develop in pulmonary arteries and aorta.
Secondary heart cancer spreads to the heart from another cancerous organ, including the breast, lungs, skin, and kidneys. It finds its way from the cancerous thymus gland that lies in the chest or through the blood vessels called leukaemia and the lymphatic system.
Let's look at some of the common heart cancer symptoms:
To detect which type of heart cancer has grappled the patient out of different types of heart cancer, the diagnosis is done through various screening tests including:
It is very complicated to cure heart cancer because treatments such as chemotherapy and radiation therapy that are given to the patient cause permanent heart damage. Though the symptoms of permanent heart damage do not appear in the initial days, they come to the surface after some time. Read on to understand vital heart cancer treatment procedures to prevent the risk of stroke, heart failure, or heart attack.
Check out the following preventive measures to lower the risk of heart cancer:
Following cardiovascular disease and chronic respiratory disorders, cancer has become increasingly prevalent, ranking as the third-leading cause of premature death. Due to the staggering medical expenses in India, patients affected by cancer are often diagnosed at advanced stages. This often results in a survival rate of only 30% for those diagnosed with malignant cancer diseases.
This is largely because most patients can't afford long-term treatment in multi-speciality cancer care hospitals. A cancer-specific insurance plan is a great financial corpus that will assist you in funding your cancer treatment. Let's look at some reasons that will help you understand why a cancer-specific insurance plan over and above regular health insurance is vital:
On account of the expensive pre and post-hospitalisation expenses, surgical interventions, and other treatment costs, many cancer-affected patients remain deprived of treatment at the right time. By opting for cancer insurance, you can avoid compromising on the treatment because of financial constraints. The right plan will help you fund the treatment and cover any related financial loss.
Our Cancer Insurance Mediclaim policy can be a good option, which covers all stages of cancer The policy comes with multiple sum insured options up to INR 1 crore, in-patient and daycare coverage, chemotherapy and radiotherapy up to SI, alternative treatment cover, ambulance cover, annual health check-up and many other features. Due to the easy and quick claim settlement, Care cancer insurance has become a preferred pick among others. Connect with our experts for policy details and related terms and conditions.
>> Also Read: Types and Symptoms of Breast Cancer
Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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