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Published on 21 Aug, 2024
Updated on 9 Feb, 2025
5 min Read
Written by Rashmi Rai
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a common condition that results in a tightening, numbing or tingling feeling in the hand. The human body has hundreds of nerves, each designed to perform major functions. A disturbance in the median nerve (passing from hand to palm) leads to carpal tunnel syndrome. In this article you will learn everything about this syndrome and how carpal tunnel surgery is performed to cure this disease. Let’s begin!
The median nerve is a major hand nerve that passes from the hand to the palm. When the median nerve is compressed or squeezed, it results in carpal tunnel syndrome, which can cause unbearable pain, tingling, tightening, or numbing.
The median nerve is located at the palm’s nerve also known as carpal tunnel and thus the name carpal tunnel syndrome. This nerve is responsible for all kinds of sensations in different parts of the hand including the fingers. In case the nerve swells or is compressed it results in the syndrome.
The syndrome affects females more than males and is found the most among middle-aged people. Around 4% to 5% of the world population is affected by carpal tunnel syndrome.
If treated on time, the syndrome does not take a serious turn. However, if left unattended for long, it can turn into a severe condition as minutes of tingling pain can lead to damage in the median nerve, resulting eventually in permanent hand numbness, affecting life quality. This, then, requires carpal tunnel surgery.
Carpal tunnel syndrome is caused by compulsion on the median nerve, which creates inflammation and swelling. Several factors, including restricted hand movement, posture, or other underlying health conditions, can cause pressure on the median nerve.
Several common reasons can trigger the syndrome in some individuals more than others. If a person is suffering from any of the following, the chances of carpal tunnel syndrome are higher.
Apart from the above-mentioned underlying health conditions, there are common everyday lifestyle ways that can also trigger the syndrome like:
Since the syndrome can become severe if not treated on time, it is suggested to not neglect minor swelling in the hand followed by tingling or periodic numbness. Here’s a list of signs of carpal tunnel that are common and can be easily noticed-
Carpal tunnel syndrome is a major problem faced by both men and women that must be examined and treated on time to avoid severity. The diagnosis of carpal tunnel syndrome is a simple process where the doctor first looks for physical symptoms by observing the palm, wrist and back of the neck to find indications of swelling or inflammation, if any.
If found, the doctor then goes ahead to evaluate the patient’s medical history to find underlying health conditions and perform nerve conduction tests. A nerve conduction test is primarily conducted to examine the nerve impulse speed.
Wondering what type of doctor does carpal tunnel surgery? You should look out for an orthopaedic surgeon or hand surgeon.
Since the syndrome involves swelling or inflammation in the nerve, surgeons often try to find carpal tunnel syndrome treatment that does not require surgery. Here’s a list of nonsurgical carpal tunnel treatment methods:
Note- All these methods are to be performed only after medical professional’s advice
In cases when carpal tunnel syndrome has become severe, the doctor might suggest surgery. If you are wondering what happens during carpal tunnel surgery then here’s a little insight for you. The surgery is performed using either of these three methods:
An endoscope is a telescope that doctors use to see through the swelling. Once located, the surgeon carefully cuts through the ligament to remove the swelling. This can be performed within an hour and does not cause major pain.
An open surgery is where the surgeon opens the carpal tunnel (located on the palm) to cut through the ligament. This can cause pain if not done under medication.
This is performed like an endoscopic surgery the only difference is that under this the surgeon uses an ultrasound to find the ligament.
Now that you know what is the procedure for carpal tunnel surgery, let’s proceed further!
If you have undergone surgery for carpal tunnel syndrome you might be wondering what to expect after carpal tunnel surgery. Here’s a list of answers to all your questions.
It will take a few weeks for the ligament to grow back, leaving enough space for the nerve to move freely without causing any pain.
First, your doctor would suggest medicines. It is suggested that hand movements post-surgery be restricted for fast recovery.
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