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Published on 27 Feb, 2024
Updated on 4 Mar, 2024
5 min Read
Written by Mudit Handa
Reviewed by Care Health Insurance
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Eyes are the window to the world and one of the greatest blessings of the almighty. The eyes are on duty all the time except when you sleep, so it is very important to be careful of any symptoms that indicate eyesight problems. Several million people are blind in India itself, and various people complain of eyesight problems. Of these, blurred vision is a common issue. To understand what causes blurred vision, one must visit an eye doctor.
There can be a range of causes behind it, and only through proper diagnosis can a doctor provide the solution. People who have had healthy vision once find it quite tough to accommodate the changes in eyesight, especially if the condition is serious. Looking at the world differently is not easy. So, it is very important that you do not ignore blurred vision symptoms and consult your doctor immediately.
This article will discuss various eyesight problems, including what is blurred vision and what makes blurry vision. So, let's get started.
As the name suggests, blurred vision is a condition where the person cannot see things clearly through their eyes. The condition may affect near-sightedness of looking at far-off things. Unlike earlier, now the things too close or too far are not clear, and vision becomes blurry. Some people may also experience double vision.
Squinting eyes may help in focusing, though it is not the right solution. The crisp and clear sight has been lost, and if you delay diagnosing and fixing what causes blurriness in vision, the situation may become worse. Without treatment, usually, vision problems deteriorate over time.
Now that you know what is blurred vision, let's understand what causes blurriness. Some of the commonly diagnosed causes are listed below:
Some people may have dry eyes that eventually cause blurred vision. The condition can especially occur in the morning. So, if you are wondering what causes blurry vision in the morning, dry eyes could be one reason.
This may happen due to incomplete closing of eyelids and so, they get dry overnight. When you wake up, you may experience blurred vision. Also, eyes produce tears all the time and so, while you are asleep, the tears can get dry and after you wake up, it may result in blurriness. Blinking your eyes a few times and washing off your face can help you get back to normal vision. Apart from dry eyes, infections or allergies, certain medications, sleeping with your lenses on can also cause blurred vision in the morning.
Some people may experience double vision suddenly, out of nowhere. In such a case, seek immediate medical attention to know what causes double vision suddenly and the right treatment for it. In some cases, sudden vision blurriness can be caused due to strokes or detached retinas due to various underlying health conditions like diabetes.
Preeclampsia is a sudden rise in blood pressure to life-threatening levels in pregnant women. In such a condition, the pregnant woman may experience flashing lights and blurred vision.
Migraine not only causes horrible headaches but a lot more. One of these is blurred or loss of vision for some time. One may also see flashing lights and feel sensitivity towards strong light.
Yes, one symptom of a brain tumour is blurred vision. Any type of tumour in the brain, be it cancerous or non-cancerous, creates pressure on the skull. Due to the pressure, eyesight is also affected, leading to blurred vision.
Near-sightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism are all refractive errors. In this condition, the person cannot see things clearly due to vision errors. Usually, doctors recommend contact lenses, glasses, or surgery to fix the problem.
Diabetes is a disease that affects a lot of the physical functions of the body. In the long run, it also reduces vision, sometimes to the extent of blindness as well.
People with glaucoma tend to lose vision clarity over time. The pressure on the optic nerve due to fluid buildup eventually leads to vision loss.
To know what causes watery eyes and blurred vision, your doctor may look for cataract problems in your eyes. People with cataracts experience a layer on their eyes that reduces vision, sometimes completely. It may affect one or both eyes. Through surgery, you can get back the lost vision.
Optic neuritis refers to swelling of the optic nerves. It is a condition that can occur either on its own or in people who are suffering from multiple sclerosis. Optic neuritis can occur in one or both eyes.
People who have a vitamin A deficiency can suffer vision problems. Vitamin A deficiency can cause cornea scars and, thus, reduced and blurred vision.
Cataract surgery is a common surgery that is usually safe and successful. Initially, when your eyes are recovering from the surgery and adjusting, blurry vision is common. It goes on its own within a few days. However, if the problem persists for longer, you must consult your surgeon to know what causes blurred vision after cataract surgery. Inflammation, dry eyes, retinal detachment, etc. can be the causes.
>> Also Read: Important things to Know Before Undergoing LASIK Eye Surgery
A common query for people with blurred vision problems is: what helps with blurry vision? To know the treatment, you first need to know what causes watery eyes and blurred vision. For this, proper medical diagnosis will be needed, and your doctor can best help you out. Depending on the cause of the problem, the treatment is recommended. In some cases, seeking enough rest and wearing glasses against smoke and dust can help, while some may need temporary medications. In cases that have become serious, surgery may be carried out, for instance, cataract or LASIK surgery for refractive errors. After surgery, if you still have blurry vision or other vision problems, consult your doctor soon.
Eyes help you navigate everything in your life, from the steps of your home to the traffic on the road and much more. Experiencing a hindrance in the way you used to look at the world can be quite disheartening and frustrating at the same time. When the focus in life starts to experience turbulence, it is essential to seek medical attention. Proper diagnosis helps know what causes blurred vision in your case and proceed with the required treatment.
Certain eye treatments like Cataract need surgery as well. The expenses can go beyond ones control at times. Thankfully, some health insurance policies cover day care treatment including cataract surgery. Care Advantage health insurance cover cataract and other age related eye ailments after a waiting period of 24 months. With such a plan you can concentrate on the recovery not the expenses. It is highly recommended to refer to the policy document for policy terms and conditions and coverage.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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