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Published on 29 Jul, 2022
Updated on 23 Feb, 2023
3 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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You might not pay much attention to your health insurance ID card. After all, unless you, your doctor, or another healthcare professional actually need it, it probably spends the majority of its time in your wallet or cupboard.
When the insurance is approved, you receive a health card, which resembles a standard debit or credit card. The majority of you, however, ignore the card and keep it locked with your policy papers. Is it a wise decision?
Not at all, no. When filing claims, health insurance cards are quite helpful.
Let's have a look at the most common information about your health insurance card. After all, it is your ticket to quality healthcare and insurance coverage, and you must understand it well.
When you or a loved one was last in the hospital, do you recall being questioned at the TPA desk if you have a health insurance card?
Simply put, a health insurance card is proof that contains your personal details along with health insurance policy information and coverage offered in your health insurance plan. When a health policy is issued, the insurer provides the policyholder with a health insurance card, which is the most important thing to consider.
The health card comes with greater detail about your health insurance plan. It contains all of the policy's pertinent information. Here are some important details your health insurance card contains:
Everybody has a unique Health ID Card, which should be carefully maintained for prolonged use. Your health insurance card should be handy if you want to submit a reimbursement or cashless health insurance claim.
When you buy a health insurance plan, you can access your health card. After issuing a policy, the insurance company will hand out both the policy document and the health insurance card. Some insurers may give separate health id cards to each insured member of your family if a family floater health insurance covers them. Family Health Insurance Plan by Care Health Insurance offers cashless treatment at network hospitals for up to six insured members under one plan.
Your healthcare coverage is verified by a health insurance card. It contains all the necessary information about your health insurance plan from a specific insurer. You need a health insurance card in order to use your benefits under your health insurance.
You cannot access the coverage provided by your healthcare plan without a health insurance card, just as you cannot travel to foreign countries without owning a passport provided by your home country. Therefore, this card contains vital details on your health insurance coverage and future claims.
Your health card serves as identity proof between you and the insurance company. It lays out all the vital information of the policy that both the insurance company and the insured abide by.
While it is important to keep safe your health id card with you at all times, there may be times when you misplace it or damage it. But do you know what you are supposed to do then?
If you misplace your health insurance card, you can apply for a replacement online. To do so, go to your health insurance provider's official website or contact their customer service team.
A health insurance card is usually valid for the period of your health insurance policy's validity. When you renew your policy, the card will be reissued as well.
Given the need for a health id card, you should always carry it with you. It's hard to know when an emergency may occur, and you will need to be hospitalised. If you have the health card with you, you can easily show it to the health centre to avoid delays in cashless treatments. So, just like your debit and credit cards, keep the health id card in your wallet so that it can come in handy any time. To easily contact your insurer, process payments, and settle hospital medical bills, you must have a health insurance card with all of the necessary details.
Disclaimer - The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.
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