Care Insurance
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    autorenewUpdated on 18 Feb, 2025

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Do we not desire to have flawless skin and get compliments for the same? Yes, we all do; but when pollutants and stressors also surround us, skin problems like acne are likely to occur. For teenagers, acne is a bigger problem than other issues in the world sometimes. Although there is a plethora of creams and medication for acne treatment, one cannot ignore the immense powers of alternative medicines like Ayurveda and its various home remedies.

Firstly, let us understand the meaning of acne, its causes, and finally, we will explain the best treatment options you should try for your skin.

What is Acne and How Does it Occur?

Acne is a chronic skin condition that results in spots and pimples commonly on the face and neck. In teenagers, it occurs due to hormonal changes. Our skin has pores that get clogged due to oil, dead skin cells, dirt, and bacteria, thus causing acne on face and neck, and also other areas such as shoulders, back, chest, and upper arms. Acne is also classified into pimples, blackheads, whiteheads, and cysts. Acne is harmless, though, but it can cause visible scars on the skin.

There are also some risk factors which include:

  • Hormonal changes during pregnancy or puberty
  • Some kinds of medication
  • An unhealthy diet including high carbohydrates or refined sugar
  • Hereditary factors

Natural Ways for Acne Treatment

Ayurveda: In Ayurveda, the balance of the three doshas Vata, Pitta, and Kapha, is vital for a healthy body. Acne, also known as Yuvana Pidika, occurs due to aggravated pitta dosha. Virechana is a purification therapy that detoxifies the body and helps to lower excessive Pitta Dosha. Triphala is another Ayurvedic medicine known for its healing powers. Ayurveda also emphasises on healthy digestion and metabolism for preventing acne problems.

Herbs: Tulsi leaves, neem leaves, and Chandan or sandalwood are natural herbs used as ideal home remedies for acne problems. Mainly, purification of the blood for skin health is among the many benefits of Tulsi leaves. Besides, Ayurveda also recommends turmeric, honey, and amla that one can apply to the skin. 

Green Tea: Green tea is yet another solution for acne problems. It contains polyphenols that serve as pharmacological agents that can also treat skin disorders, such as melanoma skin cancer. One can apply green tea extract on the affected skin. Green tea also works wonder to slow down skin ageing and reduce puffy eyes.

Sometimes, doctors also recommend antibiotics as a treatment for acne for reducing inflammation in the skin. For some individuals, hormone therapy may be necessary. 

>>Check: Lifestyle and Skin Care Tips to Follow for a Healthy Skin

To Sum Up

Not only skin conditions like acne, but Ayurveda is also known to cure chronic medical conditions such as diabetes. Ayurveda is widely believed to be safe for acne treatment. As per this ancient medicine system, the human body is a perfect balance of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air, and space. The right balance of these elements and the three doshas is crucial for leading a healthy life and even preventing skin problems.

Although acne is curable by following the effective remedies mentioned above, prevention is much more effortless. Some tips to follow are:

  • Washing face regularly using an oil-free cleanser
  • Using over-the-counter acne creams
  • Eating a nutritious diet for the skin
  • Avoiding heavy oil-based makeup
  • Managing stress and sleep problems
  • Avoiding unhealthy diet and spicy foods
  • Drinking adequate water

>>Read: Know How AYUSH treatment is beneficial for the overall health of an individual

Do not let any health problem cause you a financial strain. Choose a health insurance plan early in life, and protect your health. Alternative treatments are gaining popularity for treating many health conditions. So, opt for the Arogya Sanjeevani Health Insurance cover offered by Care Health Insurance. It is a standard health insurance policy which will give you protection and provide coverage for AYUSH treatment at recognised centres.

Disclaimer: The information given in this article is only for reference purposes only.

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