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calendar_monthPublished on 6 Oct, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 15 Jul, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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In India, people with disabilities (PwDs) do not have easy access to quality healthcare services. As per the census conducted in 2011, there are 2.68 crores of people who are disabled. Because of their condition, they experience risks of poor health and have higher medical expenses. Hence, for them, provisions like health insurance are essential to enable them to live their life on their terms. It allows them to have access to expensive healthcare treatment.
Just like everybody else, people with disabilities also need access to healthcare. Getting health insurance for disabled person is a way in which you can assure them financial assistance. Here we tell you what things a disabled person should keep in mind before buying a health cover.
Some health insurers like Care Health Insurance offers health insurance for differently-abled. To give support to such people, the government has introduced some health schemes; but, they cover only specific treatment and ailments. Care Health Insurance has made it simple for such people to opt for medical insurance just like other people.
When buying health insurance for differently-abled, it is essential to keep the following things in mind:
One must opt for health cover that provides necessary coverage to the differently-abled. At present, a differently-abled person can opt for a health cover by proving his or her degree of disability. Care Health Insurance helps differently-abled individuals by offering them affordable health cover for their security. If you have someone in your family who is specially-abled, then you must secure them with medical insurance. Now that you know how to opt for health insurance for disabled adults, you must make a prompt decision. It is vital to safeguard their health and let them also experience happiness in life.
>> Also Read: How Differently-Abled Persons can Lead a Worry-free Life
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for Disability is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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