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calendar_monthPublished on 28 Jun, 2024
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Written by Rashmi Rai
Magnesium is a vital mineral required for maintaining bone strength, heart health and proper muscle function. Inadequate magnesium intake from the diet can lead to magnesium deficiency, also known as hypomagnesemia. Magnesium deficiency can cause many health problems, such as osteoporosis, diabetes, migraines and heart ailments. In this blog, we will discuss symptoms of low magnesium and ways to treat magnesium deficiency.
Following are some hypomagnesemia symptoms and signs that will help you identify magnesium deficiency. These symptoms can be mild to severe depending on the level of magnesium deficiency you have.
The most common low Mg symptoms include frequent muscle cramps and twitches. Magnesium controls the contraction and relaxation of muscles. It makes your muscles stronger by synthesising protein. Low magnesium causes muscle cramps because it disrupts electrolyte balance, regulation of calcium flow into cells and transmission of nerve signals.
A feeling of fatigue and muscle weakness are common symptoms of low magnesium deficiency. Magnesium is important for energy metabolism, which converts food into energy. Hence, low magnesium levels mean your body is not producing enough energy to carry on with your daily activities, resulting in tiredness.
High blood pressure is also one of the magnesium insufficiency symptoms because magnesium helps in regulating blood pressure by relaxing muscles. Therefore, low magnesium not only causes high blood pressure but also increases the risk of heart diseases.
Osteoporosis makes your bones weaker and increases the risk of bone fracture. Magnesium deficiency lowers the level of calcium in the blood, which causes weak bones. Thus, osteoporosis and bone fractures are symptoms of a lack of magnesium.
Low magnesium level is known to increase ventricle contractions, causing irregular heartbeat. Magnesium is an electrolyte responsible for proper homeostasis. It also plays a role in the transportation of other electrolytes like calcium and potassium, which are responsible for nerve signalling and muscle contraction. Chest pain, breathlessness, dizziness, etc., can be caused by a lack of magnesium signs indicating irregular heartbeats.
Magnesium also regulates neurotransmitters required for sleep. It relaxes your brain and body by slowing down nerve activity. It also regulates the melatonin hormone, which controls your body's sleep-wake cycle. Hence, not having enough magnesium may cause difficulty in falling asleep.
Low magnesium is also associated with migraines. Loss of appetite, nausea, and vomiting are common magnesium deficiency symptoms caused by migraines. This is why magnesium supplements are frequently used to treat migraines.
Depression and anxiety are also symptoms of low magnesium levels because magnesium is responsible for mood stabilisation and calming activity in the brain. Magnesium deficiency affects how your brain perceives different situations and environments and makes you vulnerable to stress and low moods.
Constipation is one of the weird magnesium deficiency symptoms. Low magnesium levels can cause constipation because magnesium acts as a laxative and prevents constipation. Magnesium regulates bowel movement by increasing the water in the intestine for easy bowel movement. Hence, magnesium supplements are often used to treat constipation.
Numbness in the legs and hands may indicate a nerve problem due to low magnesium levels. Magnesium is also responsible for maintaining potassium and calcium levels. Hence, low magnesium causes low levels of potassium and calcium, which also results in tingling or numbness in limbs.
Menstrual cramps are one of the most common magnesium deficiency symptoms in females. Magnesium is known to relax muscles; hence, it plays an important role in menstrual health. It helps in relieving period pain.
>> Also Read: Eat Your Way to Healthy Blood Pressure Levels: Here's How
Insufficient dietary intake and poor absorption of magnesium are the primary reasons for low magnesium levels in the body. Magnesium deficiency also happens due to the loss of magnesium in the body due to diabetes, alcohol consumption, kidney disorders and certain medications.
Treatment for magnesium deficiency depends on the severity. In mild cases, oral magnesium supplements can help. However, in severe cases of magnesium deficiency, magnesium is given through IV.
The prevention of magnesium deficiency is possible by increasing magnesium dietary intake. Also, ensure that you have an adequate intake of vitamin D as it helps in the effective absorption of magnesium. Here are certain food sources of magnesium that you can include in your diet.
Magnesium deficiency is a common health problem, often ignored by people, which may cause many health problems. Consuming food rich in magnesium and taking supplements if required can help you address these symptoms and also prevent some serious health conditions.
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