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Written by Care Health Insurance
A balanced diet is the key to a healthy body. The biological functions of your body highly depend on the type of diet consumed and the physical activity carried out. There are various macro and micronutrients that are required by your body in the proper amount. When there is a deficiency of one or more nutrients or over-consumption, it can affect the functioning of the body and may also give rise to certain health problems related to nutrition.
Sadly, between 2014-16, around 190.7 million people suffered from nutritional problems in India as per the report submitted by Food and Agriculture Organization report on State of Food Security and Nutrition.
Since most of the nutrients are obtained by the food you intake, once you start consuming a healthy and balanced diet, the problem of nutritional deficiency can be cured. In this article, we will talk about common nutritional problems, the causes of nutritional problems and how to prevent them. Continue reading to know more about current nutritional problems.
Nutritional problems in India are a major concern since a large population suffers from it. Here is the list of nutritional problems:
Your body requires a range of vitamins, and deficiency of one or more of these may cause health problems. Here is the list of nutritional problems related to vitamins.
Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones, calcium, phosphate, cell functioning, and nerve signalling.
A lack of vitamin D can lead to muscle and bone weakening and diseases like diabetes, hypertension, rickets children, and so on. It may also trigger osteoporosis in the long run.
Vision, metabolism, and cell development are all affected by a deficiency of Vitamin A. It also keeps in shape the lining of the intestines and urinary tract. A lack of vitamin A can cause lung, heart, skin, and immune system problems.
Functioning of blood vessels, making RBC (red blood cells), teeth, gums, tissue, and skin requires the proper amount of Vitamin C. A lack of the same can lead to anaemia, extreme weakness and fatigue.
The functioning of the nervous system is highly impacted by the presence of Vitamin B12 in the body. Lack of Vitamin B12 can lead to neurological and related problems.
Muscles, nails, hair, and bones all require a good amount of protein to properly develop. A deficiency of protein can cause slow healing of wounds, mood changes, weakening of hair and nails, etc.
A healthy level of haemoglobin is maintained with the help of iron in the body. The deficiency of the same can lead to weakness, fatigue, shortness of breath, and paleness.
Folate is also known as Vitamin B9. It regulates DNA and RNA synthesis and the making of red blood cells. It is very important for pregnant women to maintain a healthy folate level as the deficiency may lead to mouth sores, anaemia, weakness, and so on.
Iodine can be easily found in various food items like milk, yoghurt, etc. A deficiency of iodine can cause hyperthyroidism, dry skin, etc.
Some of the common symptoms of nutritional deficiency include:
And the list goes on!
Nutritional problems can affect health in the short term as well as in the long term. Before finding a cure, it is essential to know the causes of nutritional problems. Here are the two major reasons behind the nutritional problems:
A balanced diet contains all the essential nutrients in the right amount. A person consuming a balanced diet is highly likely to maintain a healthy body without any major nutrient deficiency. Those who do not consume a balanced diet or switch to junk food every now and then have a high chance of developing nutritional deficiencies.
Sometimes, an underlying health condition, like lactose intolerance can lead to the deficiency of certain nutrients in the body. If you are allergic to certain essential food items, it will be obvious for you to fall short of such nutrients. Hence, it is important to treat the underlying health problem and include nutrient supplements in your daily routine to maintain a healthy body. For best results, you must consult your doctor.
Nutritional deficiency can affect your body in different ways. From fatigue and weakness to serious health issues, all of these can be a sign of nutritional deficiency. Here are a few of the common health effects of nutritional problems.
Poor eating habits have detrimental effect on your heart health. Insufficient intake or over-consumption can trigger inflammation, which later can lead to heart diseases such as stroke.
A diet rich with amino acid aids in maximizing the muscle protein synthesis. Inadequate dietary intake may cause muscle disfunction. Vitamin D deficiency can cause major loss. Also, body training without enough nutrients can lead to muscle injury.
Some deficiency can make you vulnerable to infectious illnesses such as diarrhea, malaria, measles, chronic ear infection etc.
As discussed above, improper food or underlying health conditions are two major causes of nutritional problems in India. Fixing these two can help you get back your healthy body. So, the solution to the deficiency of nutrients is as follows:
To prevent primary nutritional deficiency, proper food intake is a must. Here is the list of food you can take:
Depending on the diagnosis, your doctor may prescribe certain nutritional supplements to you. It may be in the form of soluble intakes or tablets.
1) Medical Advice
The secondary nutritional problems that occur due to underlying health conditions can also be cured. For this, your doctor may prescribe certain medications or medical procedures.
2) Government Initiatives
To successfully combat the nutritional problems in India, the government of India has taken various preventive measures including: National Nutrition Mission, 2003
Last but not least, regular exercise is a must to maintain a healthy body. So, along with the proper food intake and supplements, you must also ensure regular physical activities and exercises.
The shortage of nutrients in the body can lead to several health issues. While eating a balanced diet can greatly help in keeping a good help, some health issue may require immediate medical attention or in the worst case hospitalisation. Simply put, sudden emergencies can out a huge dent in your pocket if you are not insured. With an unabated increase in the cost of healthcare expenses, it is a smart idea to invest in best health insurance policy.
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>> Also Read: 5 Nutrients That Will Protect Your Eyes
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