Care Insurance
  • Published on 13 Jun, 2022

    Updated on 25 Nov, 2023


    3 min Read

Monsoon is around the corner, and so is Viral Fever. Viruses are microscopic germs that are active and easily transmissible during the monsoon. Viral Fever refers to a group of viral diseases that affect the body and are characterized by a high temperature, burning in the eyes, headaches, sore throat, runny nose, and sometimes nausea and vomiting.

Viral Fever is more prevalent among people who have poor immunity. A viral infection can affect any region of the body, including the intestines, lungs, and airways. As a result of the infection, Fever develops. The high temperature generally indicates that the body's immune system fights and burns out viruses, causing sickness.

In this article, we will learn about the Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment of fighting Viral Fever. 

Causes of Viral Fever 

Infection with a virus causes a viral fever. Viruses are a very tiny type of infectious agent. They invade and proliferate throughout your body's cells. A fever is your body's defense mechanism against a virus. Because many viruses are sensitive to temperature changes, a quick rise in your body temperature makes you less vulnerable to viruses. A few of the Viral Fever Causes are as follows-

Viral Fever can have a variety of causes depending on the virus that is invading the body. A few of the Viral fever causes are as follows:

  • It can be transmitted from one person to another by coming into close contact with the person who is infected with the virus or the one who might not have the symptoms of the viral Fever but is carrying the virus.

  • Inhaling virus-containing droplets from an infected individual can potentially spread the viral Fever. The most prevalent cause of viral Fever is seasonal flu.

  • Viral Fever can be spread by sharing food or drinks with someone who has been infected with the virus.

  • Viral Fever can also be caused by contaminated water.

  • Insect (mosquitos and ticks) and rodent (mice) bites can transmit the virus that causes viral Fever from these animals/insects to people. Dengue, Yellow Fever, Zika, and Chikungunya are viral infections transmitted by animals/insects. 

Symptoms of Viral Fever 

The temperature in Viral Fever may vary from 99°F to 103°F, depending on the underlying virus. 

Below mentioned are the most common symptoms that can be alarming about Viral Fever-

  • Fever (which rises and falls at irregular intervals)

  • Fatigue

  • Dizziness

  • Chills

  • Headache

  • Muscle, body, and joint pain

  • Inflammation of the pharynx

  • Painful tonsils

  • Runny nose

  • Nasal congestion

  • Chest congestion

  • Sore throat and cough

  • Burning sensation in eyes

  • Skin rashes

  • Diarrhea

  • Vomiting

How can You Treat Viral Fever?

In the majority of instances, treatment for Viral Fever isn't required. Antibiotics have little effect on them, unlike bacterial illnesses.

Rather, therapy is frequently focused on relieving your symptoms. The following are examples of common treatment methods:

  • Reducing Fever and its symptoms using over-the-counter fever reducers.

  • Give your body rest as much as possible. 

  • Drink plenty of water to keep hydrated and restore fluids lost when sweating.

  • Taking a lukewarm bath can bring your body temperature down.

Dos and Don'ts during Viral Fever

You need to take care of various things when you are down with a fever. We have listed a few Dos and Don'ts that would help you understand better.


  • Give your body sufficient rest.

  • To avoid dehydration and preserve electrolyte balance, drink lots of liquids.

  • To avoid pain or discomfort, take pain-relieving medicine as prescribed.

  • Take nutritious, easy-to-digest, and healthy meals.

  • Vitamin C, zinc, honey, and other immune boosters should be included in your diet.

  • Always use a handkerchief while sneezing and coughing among people.

  • Take care of your personal hygiene to avoid more infections. 


  • Do not self-medicate without seeing a doctor since this might have negative implications.

  • Don't take antibiotics without your doctor's recommendation.

  • Stay away from extremes such as cold or hot since extremes make your body more sensitive and induce chills or sweating.

  • If you get the chills, don't wear too many layers of clothing or blankets.

  • Do not share your handkerchief, clothing, towels, food, or beverages with those who come in touch with you.


Ever since the pandemic hit, there has been a fear of getting infected. Sometimes Viral Fever is mistaken for Covid-19 or vice versa. Both the infections could have serious implications if not treated in time. Hence, the right diagnosis at the right time is essential. However, in some cases, one could also be required to rush to the hospital for immediate treatment. In such cases, comprehensive health insurance comes to the rescue and backs you up financially. Care Health Insurance offers tailor-made health care plans to ensure nobody has to suffer without a backup. Buy your health insurance plan today and safeguard yourself and your family.

Disclaimer: The above-mentioned information is for reference purposes only. For more information on health care plans, visit our website.

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