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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Apr, 2024
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nest_clock_farsight_analog3 min Read
Written by Mudit Handa
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The need and importance of heart mediclaim can be understood by the fact that heart diseases are no longer associated with old age. There has been a significant rise in the number of young people suffering from heart conditions. Lifestyle choices and demanding urban life are the two factors contributing to increasing cases of heart ailments in the younger population. Hence, it becomes necessary to have a heart care insurance plan early in life, as it provides better coverage for high treatment costs compared to a regular health insurance plan.
Managing heart ailments includes various medical expenses like diagnostic tests, doctor’s consultations, hospitalisation and surgery. A heart mediclaim is a health insurance plan that provides specific coverage for specific heart-related medical expenses. It is a plan suitable for heart patients to protect them financially against the high treatment costs. Such plans for diseases specific to the heart cover the costs of medical tests, hospitalisation and post-operative care. This article explains the importance and benefits of heart insurance and how does Care Heart Mediclaim come to your rescue during a medical emergency. Keep reading!
Care Heart Mediclaim is a health insurance plan that provides extensive coverage for 16 heart ailments specified in the policy. Care heart coverage is available on an indemnity basis and starts from ₹ 10 lakhs and goes up to ₹ 1 crore. The scope of coverage under heart mediclaim includes:
Listed below are 16 heart ailments that are covered under our heart mediclaim insurance.
A heart mediclaim offers many benefits as mentioned below:
A heart mediclaim provides coverage for a wide range of heart ailments such as angioplasty, heart valve surgery, myocardial infarction, etc. These expensive treatments are covered upto the sum insured opted under a heart mediclaim including hospitalisation costs, pre and post-hospitalisation costs, etc.
A heart care insurance plan offers a high sum insured value considering the high treatment costs. Care cardiac health insurance policy offers a sum insured up to ₹ 1 crore.
With the help of heart mediclaim, you get access to the best medical treatment at the top hospitals in the insurer’s network. You can avail the best medical care with cashless benefits at insurer’s network hospitals.
For a heart patient, a slight delay in treatment can cost his life. With a heart mediclaim, you can get timely medical care during an emergency. It allows you to avail cashless emergency treatment that ensures quality healthcare in times of need.
A heart mediclaim also covers preventive cardiac check-ups for early detection of heart conditions and to avoid heart issues in future. Additionally, it also covers rehabilitation services to ensure recovery after treatment for a heart condition.
Investing in a heart insurance plan makes you eligible for income tax deductions under section 80D of the Income Tax Act.
Dealing with a heart condition without any financial support can be overwhelming. A cardiac health insurance ensures that all medical expenses are taken care of while you are undergoing treatment. To get the maximum benefits of heart mediclaim, it is crucial to select a plan according to your medical needs and financial situation.
>> Also Read: Importance of Heart Mediclaim
Disclaimers: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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