Vitamin E Deficiency: Risk, Symptoms and Dietary Sources

Vitamin E Deficiency: Risk, Symptoms and Dietary Sources

In today's fast-paced world, we often neglect our diet, sleep patterns, and other essential aspects of health, which gradually and significantly harm our well-being. However, sometimes, even those who are careful about their health and maintain good habits may still experience deficiencies in vitamins, minerals, and other micronutrients. These micronutrients, though in seemingly minor quantities, if not taken in the right amount, can lead to multiple issues and hinder the growth and development of the body. One such condition we are going to discuss is the deficiency of Vitamin E.

Vitamin E is a fat-soluble vitamin, also known as tocopherol, and is very important for the body's day-to-day functions. It is present in each cell and supports the nerves and muscles in their function. It is an important agent in the blood clotting mechanism and contains antioxidant properties that keep the body's metabolism up and running.

Vitamin E deficiency - Signs and Symptoms

Vitamin E is a molecule that is naturally found in a wide range of foods used in our daily routine. Due to this, it is rare to develop a deficiency of Vitamin E or vitamin e deficiency diseases unless a person has some congenital or underlying health conditions. 

So, how do you know that your body is lacking a nutrient and that you need to correct it soon? Well, the answer is observation, concern, and regular health check-ups. Here are some common Vitamin E deficiency symptoms that you might experience if you have a vitamin E deficiency:

  1. Prolonged muscular pain and fatigue
  2. Unexplained feeling of sickness
  3. Difficulty with general body movements and coordination like walking
  4. numbness or tingling
  5. Disturbances in sight
  6. Peripheral neuropathy
  7. Slow metabolism and weak immunity, etc.

Deficiency of Vitamin E - Causes 

Let us take a look at the probable causes of deficiency of Vitamin E

Dietary Deficiency of the Vitamin 

Although this condition is highly rare, it is a possibility that people who have a restricted diet or are totally cutting down on fats in their daily intake can suffer from this deficiency. Also, if the vitamin has been missing from your diet for a long time, then it may cause an alarming situation.

Premature Birth

One of the most common causes of vitamin E deficiency is premature birth, as the infant born has a lesser body weight, partially developed gastrointestinal tracts, and lower stores of vitamin E in the body. 

Genetic Ailments 

A very common cause of vitamin E deficiency is genetics, and if your family has a history of this deficiency, then having a regular check-up for everyone is a must.

Malabsorption Conditions 

Apart from the ones mentioned above, vitamin E deficiency can also be caused if you have one of the following ailments:

  1. Cystic Fibrosis 
  2. Celiac Disease
  3. Crohn’s Disease

Diseases Caused by Vitamin E Deficiency

As this deficiency is a rare one, you may wonder what diseases deficiency of vitamin E causes and what could be the potential treatment for it. Here you go:

Nerve and Muscle-related Ailments 

  • E vitamin deficiency may lead to nerve damage, or peripheral neuropathy, causes numbness, tingling, and constant weakness in the hands and feet.
  • Loss of coordination and muscle weakness are visible conditions where you might not be able to control the movement and coordination of your body, leading to unsteady walking and other such issues. Constant fatigue and regular cramps can be observed in the muscles, too. 

Vision Ailments 

A common disease associated with deficiency of vitamin E is retinopathy, which causes blurred vision and vision blockage. Severe cases might lead to total loss of vision, too.

Immune System Impairment 

Vitamin E is a major contributor to maintaining our immune system. Its deficiency can lead to a weakened immune system, which in turn invites more infections. 

Hemolytic Anemia 

This is a condition in which all the red blood cells in the body start breaking down, making you weaker due to a shortage of oxygen in the blood. 

Development Issues in Infants

For infants, not getting enough vitamin E can lead to problems with growth and development, including delays in motor skills like crawling or walking.

What is the Treatment for Vitamin E Deficiency?

Vitamin E deficiency treatment involves correcting your diet and amping it up with the right foods, taking supplements, and making necessary lifestyle changes.


Following mentioned, are some superfoods highly recommended for vitamin E deficiency treatment:

  • Nuts and Seeds- Almonds, Sunflower seeds and Peanuts
  • Oils- Sunflower and Olive oil
  • Green Leafy Vegetables- Spinach, Methi and Amaranth 
  • Fish - Indian Mackerel and Salmon
  • Fruits- Mango and Avacado
  • Fortified foods
  • Whole Grains: whole wheat, bajra, and jowar. 

Supplements in Healthcare 

If you have any underlying conditions, especially one of the many mentioned above, it is important to consult your doctor every few months and be particular with the diet and medication prescribed. Vitamin E deficiency treatment can also be possible with supplements, either natural or synthetic. Though synthetic supplements might give you some quick results, natural ones have no match.

Regular Monitoring and Healthy Living

If you really want to eliminate any sort of ailment from your life forever, then maintaining a healthy lifestyle is the best thing to do. Encouraging a balanced diet, including regular exercise and yoga, and avoiding alcohol and intoxication to the maximum is the way to go. Keep a watchful eye on any Vitamin E deficiency symptoms in females and males that may hint an upcoming medical issue. Also, going for regular health check-ups and monitoring your symptoms at home can prevent the deficiency from reaching a severe level.

In Conclusion 

While you may think that deficiency of Vitamin E is a small problem that seems manageable, sometimes it might not be and can cause a medical emergency which may lead to even hospitalisation. To save your heard-earned money and ensure the best healthcare in the times of need, you should invest in a health insurance plan right away! 

A comprehensive health insurance plan will share your financial burden and help you concentrate on the recovery phase without worrying about the expenses. Visit our website or connect with Care Health Insurance experts to know about our plans. 

>> Also Read: How Does Protein Deficiency Affect Children?

Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. For more details about the health insurance plans and their benefits please refer to the sales prospectus, policy terms, and conditions.

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