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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Nov, 2024
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nest_clock_farsight_analog3 min Read
Written by Anjali Sharma
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Being a vegetarian means avoiding the risk of multiple diseases. A vegetarian diet consists of all kinds of nutrients. Multiple options are available for healthy vegetarian sources of protein. Simply put, protein-rich vegetarian foods help reduce the consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol, which could increase cardiovascular risks.
Usually, meat is the most common and famous source of protein considered by most people. As a vegetarian, you might face a dilemma of meeting your daily protein requirements.
Let us explore more about the vegetarian protein sources in this article to help you build a balanced diet.
Protein is an essential nutrient made up of chains of amino acids. It is one of the most important nutrients required for the proper functioning of the body. Protein repairs and contributes to the growth of new cells and plays a vital role in the growth and development of children, teens and pregnant women.
The protein requirements might vary for every person. It is usually advised to intake about 0.75g of protein per kilo of body weight per day (for the average woman, this is 45g, or 55g for men) in the case of adults.
Plant-based protein foods contain a high amount of fibre, vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants that contribute to your overall well-being. They also reduce the risk of many chronic diseases, such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer.
Let us learn more about the best high-protein vegetarian foods and tips on adding them to your diet today.
Including plant based protein foods rather than animal-based protein food in your diet would be beneficial for both your health and the environment.
Mentioned below are a few benefits of plant-based protein foods:
Protein deficiency can have multiple signs and symptoms, as protein is essential for the proper growth of the body.
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Vegetarian sources of protein are diverse and nutrient-rich, providing various options to meet your protein requirements without consuming meat. Food items such as legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and dairy products provide ample amounts of protein. Incorporating such vegetarian sources in your diet ensures adequate protein intake, provides great muscle health, and supports your natural well-being.
>> Also Read: How Does Protein Deficiency Affect Children?
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