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calendar_monthPublished on 17 Oct, 2024
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nest_clock_farsight_analog5 min Read
Written by Mudit Handa
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A report by Global Burden of Diseases on Osteoporosis revealed that India witnesses the highest number of deaths because of low-bone mass density fractures.¹ Another report with interviews by healthcare experts shows that the onset of osteoporosis cases in India is 10 to 20 years earlier than in Western countries.² Several experts also predict that these cases are going to keep rising in India as it is one of the silent diseases with hardly any identifiable symptoms. The condition of elders is more worrying. You will find Kamala’s example very relatable.
68-year-old Kamala and her 71-year-old husband Yash were among the most popular people in their colony. Known for their cheerful nature, this retired couple often spent time outdoors, tending to their garden and engaging with their loved ones. However, things changed when one day, while finishing her regular chores, Kamala fell and broke her femur due to undiagnosed osteoporosis. This event restricted Kamala’s physical movements and affected her independence and social interactions, causing her to depend on others for daily tasks. All this deeply affected her lifestyle and, in turn, her mental health.
The severe and long-lasting effect bone health can have on our lives makes it more critical to identify osteoporosis's risk factors and symptoms. Proper and timely treatment can help improve bone strength and reduce the chances of further worsening the condition. Let's understand how identifying and understanding osteoporosis can help.
World Osteoporosis Day is observed annually on October 20th to highlight osteoporosis and its global burden. This osteoporosis awareness day also aims to divert media interest and public attention in this direction. The day also brings together members of the International Osteoporosis Foundation, healthcare experts, policymakers, and osteoporosis patients to come together and speak on the disease and their experiences. With osteoporosis as one of the most underdiagnosed diseases and millions of individuals at high risk of bad bones and bone diseases, Osteoporosis Day serves as an opportunity to make noise.
Osteoporosis is common when an individual's bone health and density are reduced. It also leads to your bone being thin with lesser strength. This may lead to fractures that can be quite discomforting and painful. Even with such severe consequences, most people are unaware of this condition. Here are some alarming data pointers to show why this condition needs your immediate attention:
Osteoporosis is different from other health conditions because it shows no major symptoms. With these silent diseases, you won't see symptoms like fever or headache to alert you. One of the major and quite common identifiable symptoms of osteoporosis is breaking your bones, even with minor falls or accidents.
In addition to this, you can observe a few changes, like reduced bone density or strength. Here are some signs that are alarming and might need your attention:
As mentioned, people 55 and older are most affected by osteoporosis. However, some people have greater chances of struggling with osteoporosis than others. Here is the list of risk factors for osteoporosis to look out for:
Now that you know about osteoporosis and its symptoms, let's proceed. Based on your condition, your healthcare provider may suggest varied treatments for you. The primary goal behind treating osteoporosis is preventing fractures.
Here are some of the most common treatment options:
The doctor may recommend suitable vitamins and supplements based on your condition. The most common supplement offered is vitamin D supplements. You also need to ask about the dosage of these medications.
You might also be suggested medications by your healthcare provider. Commonly used medications include hormone therapies—for example, testosterone and oestrogen. Also, people with severe cases might need high-end medications.
One of the primary things your doctor will suggest is exercise. Exercise helps make your bones stronger. You might go for weight exercises or physical activities like pilates, yoga, etc. Your healthcare expert may help you find the best exercise for you.
Every year, World Osteoporosis Day is celebrated with an annual theme. The theme for 2024 is “ Say No to Fragile Bones.” The theme aims to educate individuals of all ages to protect and care for their bones.
Here are some important messages related to this year's campaign:
Given how bones are important for our mobility and overall well-being, it's important to care about bone health. Individuals can treat and prevent osteoporosis with a good diet, supplements, and regular exercise.
It is essential to understand that osteoporosis is a silent disease that can lead to severe consequences. It is equally important to identify osteoporosis with screening and other testing methods.
With a major portion of the worldwide population being affected by osteoporosis and also causing a huge global burden, health professionals must make bone health a priority.
Will you join the World Osteoporosis Day campaign? Here are some easy ways to do the same.
Bone health is an essential part of your overall health and wellness. Ignoring the same is like compromising your well-being. Thus, taking care of your bones and doing your best to improve their strength is essential. You can do the same by inculcating simple lifestyle changes. This includes eating well, adjusting your nutritional requirements based on age, understanding osteoporosis risk factors, engaging in targeted physical activity, avoiding too much smoking, etc. These simple changes can significantly impact your daily lifestyle, helping you remain fit and healthy in the long run.
Also, it is essential to understand that the risks of being exposed to several health concerns come with old age. So, it is better to insure yourself to ensure you receive quality treatments when needed without worrying about finances. Senior Citizens Health Insurance from Care Health Insurance is a quality insurance created for senior citizens that provides a financial cushion against several medical expenses. With a variety of features like viral health checkups, pre-existing diseases, critical medical needs, and daycare treatments, health insurance plans can ensure you enjoy your old age peacefully.
>> Also Read: Risks of Osteoporosis and Bone Fractures in Older Women
Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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