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calendar_monthPublished on 12 May, 2023
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Written by Mudit Handa
Reviewed by Rashmi Rai
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Rainy days are often associated with quick mood-fix phenomena, thanks to the mesmerising weather and the iconic scent. However, this weather also brings with it the risk of Typhoid fever. It is a severe illness–common in areas with inadequate sanitisation–that can strike anyone. While the treatment for this waterborne disease is easily accessible–Typhoid symptoms still pose a great risk.
Whether you have been diagnosed with typhoid, know someone who has, or want to learn more about this disease, this article will help you understand various aspects of typhoid, including its symptoms, causes, diagnosis, and treatment, as well as preventive measures that can be taken to reduce the risk of infection.
Typhoid fever is a potentially deadly bacterial infection that can affect anyone. It is caused by Salmonella Typhi, a bacterium, and can be transmitted through contaminated food or water. It is a significant public health concern, especially in developing countries, and if left untreated, it can cause serious health complications.
Keep reading further to learn about the stages of typhoid, common symptoms, causes, and risk factors.
Typhoid infection spreads in the body gradually in four stages over three to four weeks. While early diagnosis and treatment can keep the conditions from worsening, the symptoms of each stage is mentioned below.
In this stage, the bacteria starts moving into the infected person’s bloodstream. The individual might experience fatigue, abdominal pain, a gradual rise in temperature, severe and persistent headaches, and respiratory issues over 5-14 days after coming into contact with the bacterium.
During the acute phase of typhoid, the intensity of the discomfort may increase. For example, the abdominal pain may get more intense, the body temperature may remain persistent even after medications, and you may experience a swollen spleen and/or liver. In some cases, the infected person may also report pinkish-red spots in the areas of the abdomen and chest.
If the typhoid is left untreated till the third stage, the infected individual might face severe issues such as liver perforation and haemorrhage. Additionally, the individual may also seem confused, exhausted and in a semi-comatose state.
After treatment, the individual starts recovering during this stage. The fever may subside, and you may start feeling better. However, if untreated, the individual may face severe consequences and, ultimately, death.
The symptoms of typhoid usually appear 1-3 weeks after exposure to the bacteria. The initial symptoms are often mild and can easily be mistaken for other illnesses like flu. As the disease progresses, the symptoms become more severe and can include:
If left untreated, typhoid can lead to severe complications such as internal bleeding, perforation of the bowel, and even death.
Typhoid is caused by the bacterium Salmonella enterica Typhi, which is spread through contaminated food or water. People can become infected with typhoid by consuming food or water contaminated with the bacteria. Typhoid can also be spread through close contact with someone infected, such as eating together or sharing utensils.
Certain factors increase the risk of getting typhoid fever. These include:
Diagnosing typhoid can be difficult because the symptoms can be similar to other illnesses. Doctors typically start by taking a medical history and performing a physical examination. Blood, stool, or urine samples may be taken to look for evidence of the bacteria for typhoid diagnosis.
Typhoid is treated with antibiotics, which kill the bacteria and reduce symptoms. Sometimes, hospitalisation may be required, mainly if complications include dehydration or internal bleeding. During hospitalisation, patients may be given intravenous fluids, oxygen therapy, or other supportive care. Additionally, the following antibiotics may be given depending on the antibiotic resistance in the geographical location.
Note: Did you know? You may get coverage under your health insurance plan if you get hospitalised due to a worsened typhoid condition. Health insurance plans by care Health insurance can help cover the cost of medical treatment, including hospitalisation, doctor's fees, and laboratory tests.
In addition to antibiotics, patients with typhoid should rest and stay hydrated. They should also eat a nutritious, easy-to-digest diet.
Preventing typhoid is important, especially in areas where the disease is common. The following steps can help to reduce the risk of infection:
Eating a nutritious and easy-to-digest diet is important during and after typhoid fever treatment. Foods that are easy to digest, such as broth, cooked vegetables, and fruits, should be consumed. Additionally, foods high in protein, such as eggs, meat, and dairy products, can help rebuild damaged tissues. However, avoiding spicy and fried foods and high-fibre foods is important, as they can irritate the digestive system.
Typhoid is a potentially deadly bacterial infection that can be transmitted through contaminated food or water. It can cause serious health complications if left untreated, so it is important to know its symptoms, causes, and treatment options.
The initial symptoms of typhoid can be mild and easily confused with other illnesses, so it is crucial to seek medical attention if any of the symptoms persist. Diagnosis can be challenging, but patients can recover fully from the disease with the appropriate tests and treatment.
Prevention of typhoid is key, especially in poor sanitation and hygiene areas. Basic hygiene practices, such as frequent handwashing and clean water consumption, can help reduce the risk of infection. Vaccination against typhoid is also recommended for individuals travelling to high-risk areas.
During and after typhoid, patients should follow a nutritious diet that is easy to digest and avoid spicy and high-fibre foods that can irritate the digestive system. With proper treatment and care, patients with typhoid can fully recover and lead a healthy life.
>> Also Read: Everything you need to know about Viral Fever
Disclaimer - The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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