Care Insurance
  • calendar_monthPublished on 16 Jan, 2020

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Keep Your Health Insurance Premium Low With These Health Tips

The wisest of people believe in the fact that life is unpredictable. It is important to realize that unexpected things can happen without showing any warning signs. This is especially true for health. Illnesses may occur, irrespective of one’s age. As far as minimizing the financial impact of an illness is concerned, health insurance is the ideal way to reduce the burden.

However, several factors may affect the rates of premium you are required to pay. For instance, premium increases if you have a pre-existing ailment. Yet, the cost of premium should not deter you from buying a good health policy for you and your family. There are some easy ways to lower your health insurance premium. Leading a healthy lifestyle is the best among them.

Here are some useful tips to reduce your health insurance premium:

Eat Healthy Foods

One easy solution to avoid paying higher premium is to stay healthy by eating nutritious food. Adhering to a healthy diet and following a fitness regime will help prevent a number of diseases. Ensure you live in a clean environment to prevent the risks of respiratory diseases.

Reside in a Healthy Environment

Your location is an important factor that decides whether you would be paying a higher premium or not. The cost of medical treatment is usually higher in metropolitan cities. Furthermore, climate and a culture of living on unhealthy foods are some factors that lead to health issues in these cities. Thus, premium is likely to be higher if you live in a metro city. If you live in a non-metro city, you are likely to pay a lesser premium.

Maintain Your Body Mass Index (BMI)

The Body Mass Index or BMI is one of the benchmarks to evaluate if a person is healthy or not. Usually, for adults, the ideal range is between 18.5 and 24.9. Those having an unhealthy BMI face the risks of getting ailments or health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, arthritis, liver diseases, etc. Hence, this could be a major reason why you are required to pay higher premium on your health insurance policy.

>> Check: Health Insurance Premium Calculator

Avoid Smoking

If you smoke regularly, it is high time you quit the bad habit. In case the health warnings do not motivate you, then you would certainly be compelled to quit smoking if you realize that it can affect your premium rates. For a person who has a history of smoking, drinking or tobacco use, the health risks are higher and so are the premium costs.

Take Up Non-Risky Profession

Your occupation is another crucial factor that can affect the premium rates. If you are working in a high-risk or hazardous environments such as mining or construction, you may have to spend more on the premium. This is because the chances of facing medical exigencies are higher.

Hence, if you wish to avoid paying higher premium, consider switching to an occupation that is less risky.

Go for Regular Health Check-Ups

Opting for health check-ups, on a regular basis, is important to understand your health condition better. It is also necessary for arresting any ailment before it becomes worse. Else, you may have to pay higher premium for pre-existing diseases.

Furthermore, you must know your family history. At the time of buying a health insurance policy, you are required to disclose the medical history of your family and submit relevant records specifying any pre-existing health conditions. You may have a pre-existing condition, but simply because you have a family history of an ailment, say diabetes or hypertension, your insurer may charge you a higher premium. If you are lucky and do not have any such history, then you are likely to pay lesser premium.

>>Also Read These 5 Ways to Stay Fit

Be A Smart Health Insurance Buyer

It is advised to opt for medical insurance at an early stage in life. Since illnesses can strike at any age, there is no point in delaying your policy purchase. Moreover, the younger you are, the lesser premium costs you must pay. This is because your chances of getting diseases and visiting the hospital for treatment are lower. The premium costs for health policies bought by elderly individuals are generally on the higher side.

You can also go for super top-up plans that will offer you higher coverage and, at the same time, not cost you much.

Care Health Insurance offers a host of customized health policies along with the best super top-up plan offering cover for in-patient care, organ donor cover, daycare treatment, floater option, pre & post hospitalization and tax benefits.

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