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calendar_monthPublished on 26 Nov, 2024
autorenewUpdated on 3 Mar, 2025
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Written by Yashita Sinha
Reviewed by Munmi Sharma
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In 2022, an estimated 821,214 new thyroid cancer cases and 47,507 related deaths occurred worldwide, highlighting a significant rise in incidence and the global burden of the disease.
Over the past few decades, the number of thyroid cancer diagnoses has increased, partially due to improved detection methods but also due to lifestyle and environmental factors.
This growing trend makes it vital to raise awareness about the symptoms and risk factors of the disease to ensure early detection while shedding light on preventive measures that reduce the risk of developing the disease. In this blog, we’ll thoroughly discuss these aspects. So, without further ado, let’s get started.
Thyroid cancer is an illness associated with abnormal growth of cells in the thyroid gland- a butterfly-shaped gland located at the base of your neck, just below the Adam’s apple. This gland is responsible for producing hormones that regulate heart rate, blood pressure, body temperature, and weight.
While anyone can develop thyroid cancer, it is 2.9 times more common in women than men. The reasons for this disparity are not fully understood, but hormonal differences can play a major role. In most cases, it is highly treatable especially when diagnosed at an early stage.
Note: Some forms of thyroid are slow-growing while others might require intensive treatment.
Thyroid Cancer occurs when cells in the thyroid gland undergo genetic mutations, causing them to grow at abnormal rates and form a tumour. These mutations can be inherited or acquired throughout an individual’s lifetime. Inherited mutations are passed on by parents while acquired mutations might result from environmental changes. There’s no clarity regarding the exact cause of these genetic mutations but certain factors can increase the risk of developing thyroid cancer.
Thyroid cancer is categorised based on the type of cells found in the tumour. The main types are covered below. Each of them varies in symptoms and treatment approaches and outcomes:
Papillary is the most common type of thyroid cancer, accounting for almost 80% of cases. It can be developed at any age but it most commonly affects people between the age group of 30 to 50. Although the cancer cells spread to the lymph nodes in the neck, these types of cancers respond well to treatment.
Medullary Thyroid Cancer develops inside your thyroid gland known as the medulla. It’s the rarest type of thyroid case, constituting about 2% of cases. A quarter of people developing this illness have a family history of the disease.
This type of thyroid cancer is rare and usually affects the age group of 50 and above. In cases of follicular thyroid, cancer cells do not spread to the lymph nodes in the neck. But they spread to large and distant body parts such as lungs and bones.
This type of cancer grows quickly and is highly difficult to treat. However, treatment helps in slowing down its progression. It usually tends to occur in people above 60 years and above. Its symptoms range from neck swelling to difficulty in breathing and swallowing.
Some of the most evident symptoms of thyroid cancer include:
Note: When thyroid cancer spreads in other areas of your body, it results in tiredness, loss of appetite, unexpected weight loss, nausea and vomiting
Cancer staging is divided into two major categories; the TNM system and the number system. The TNM System, created by the American Joint Committee on Cancer evaluates the following:
This system offers a thorough description of cancer’s progression. Whereas, the number system divides cancer stages using a numerical scale ranging from 0 to 4, reflecting the severity of the disease.
Stage 1: Cancer is small in size and is confined to the initial organ it developed in.
Stage 2: Presence of larger tumor as compared to stage 1 but the cancer hasn’t spread to surrounding tissues.
Stage 3: Indicates the spread of cancer cells in the nearby lymph nodes.
Stage 4: Describes that cancer has spread to other body parts from the initial place of origin.
Staging is a process used to describe the size of cancer and the extent to which it has spread in the body. Generally, doctors perform diagnostic tests to determine the size of the cancer and whether or not it has spread to neighbouring tissues and other body parts.
This system goes a long way in helping your doctors determine the type of treatment you need. For example, if your cancer is confined to one place, they might recommend surgery or radiotherapy. While, if it has spread to other body parts, you would require systematic treatments such as hormone therapy, chemotherapy, targeted cancer drugs and immunotherapy.
Certain risk factors that are associated with a higher likelihood of developing thyroid cancer include:
Note: Females are more prone to develop thyroid cancer due to high levels of estrogen hormone in their bodies.Complications of Thyroid Cancer
There are two major complications associated with thyroid cancer. Foremost being metastasis: the spread of cancer to nearby lymph nodes or other body parts such as your lungs, liver and bones. Although most cancer doesn't spread, if you have developed the type that spreads, it can be detected on imaging tests when you’re first diagnosed with thyroid cancer.
The second complication associated with thyroid cancer is the chance of recurrence after successful treatment. This usually happens in cases where cancer spreads beyond the thyroid before its removal. It’s more likely to recur in lymph nodes, residue of thyroid tissues left behind during the surgery and other body parts.
Based on the particulars of your cancer, your health provider evaluates the likelihood of recurrence. The good news here is, it’s highly treatable, even if it returns.
If you’re developing symptoms of thyroid cancer including enlarged nodules, your doctor may recommend one of the below tests;Physical Examination
Your doctor will closely examine your neck to identify the changes in the thyroid nodule and might ask about the risk factors associated with developing the disease such as previous experience with radiation therapy.
Blood tests for detecting thyroid cancer are conducted to measure the level of thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) and other hormones produced by your thyroid gland.
Thyroid imaging tests check the size, shape and function of the thyroid gland. They include ultrasound tests that use high-frequency sound waves to take pictures of body structures. This helps in detecting cysts and nodules. Other imaging tests such as MRI and CT scan provide more accurate results.
This test helps in detecting whether thyroid cancer has spread or not. It involves giving patients a pill containing a safe amount of radioactive iodine, which is absorbed by thyroid cells. A special camera then captures images to show any remaining cancerous tissues.
Biopsy is a procedure in which a doctor uses a thin needle to take a small sample from the lump in your thyroid gland. This sample is then carefully examined under a microscope to check for cancer. It’s an effective way of determining whether the lump is harmless or needs treatment.
Since thyroid cancer is fairly common, there are no such precautionary measures you can take to safeguard yourself against the disease. However, if you’re surrounded by risk factors, here are certain steps you can follow;
There are various types of thyroid cancer treatment. Some of the treatments are still under trial while some other standard treatments are currently being used in treating thyroid cancer. Some common treatment procedures are mentioned below:
This is one of the most commonly used thyroid treatments. Depending on the location and size of the tumour, the surgeon removes a part of your thyroid gland or the whole gland.
Radiation therapy is a type of thyroid cancer treatment that kills cancer cells with high-energy beams. It can be categorised into two types -external radiation therapy which uses a machine to deliver energy beams to the tumour site and brachytherapy which involves placing radioactive seeds in or around the tumour.
Chemotherapy is a drug-based thyroid cancer treatment given orally or intravenously. It kills cancerous cells and stops their further growth. It is rarely used as a treatment for thyroid because most types of thyroid cancer don’t respond well to chemo drugs.
Hormone therapy is another type of thyroid cancer treatment that blocks the release of cancer-causing hormones. It helps in slowing down the tumour growth and prevents the recurrence of cancer.
Targeted Drug Therapy - ATargeted therapy attacks the specific chemicals present within cancerous cells. This type of treatment blocks these chemicals, causing cancer cells to die. There are numerous targeted therapy drugs for thyroid cancer. Some target the blood vessels that make the cancerous cells whereas others target specific gene changes.
Read More: Know How Health Insurance is Helpful for Thyroid Patients
Thyroid cancer is a global concern and is highly common in women as compared to men. There are no such ways to prevent thyroid but if there are some risk factors that can lead you to develop this illness, taking precautions such as avoiding radiation, maintaining a healthy weight and eating fruits and vegetables can go a long way. If you see any visible lumps in your thyroid gland, it is recommended to see a doctor before they escalate. Early detection can help in the effective management of the disease.
In case the disease gets detected at later stages, having a cancer insurance policy will help you keep financially secure. Our policy provides extensive coverage for cancer-related medical costs including hospitalisation, surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy, OPD, and other related expenses. For detailed information, you can allow our experts to connect with you or visit the website.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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