Care Insurance

Thinking to Port Your Health Insurance? Know the Important Factors to Consider

  • calendar_monthPublished on 7 Oct, 2020

    autorenewUpdated on 29 Apr, 2024

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    nest_clock_farsight_analog2 min Read

It used to be a thing of the past when you have to continue with your existing health insurance policy. According to the guidelines given by the Insurance Regulatory Development of India (IRDAI), the portability of health insurance is now possible. Health insurance portability is the process of switching of current health insurance policy to another. If you are not satisfied with your health policy because of any reasons, you may opt for a new policy. This feature allows you to avail of the benefits of the previous policy as well.

Porting your health cover comes with various benefits. You may opt for medical insurance that is ideal as per your current healthcare needs. You are allowed to port your health insurance at the time of renewal. You must submit a written application to the existing health insurer at least 45 days before the date of renewal.

The provision of health insurance portability was introduced by IRDAI in the year of 2011. It is a suitable option for those who are looking for advanced features and benefits.

In this article, we will tell you some of the essential factors to consider before porting your health policy.

  • Medical History: You may not be allowed to port your health cover if you are suffering from the pre-existing disease. Hence, it is advisable to disclose your current medical condition before porting a health insurance policy.
  • Cashless Treatment: This is one of the essential things to consider while porting your health insurance. You should choose a policy that offers the facility of cashless treatment. This feature can give relaxation at the time of a medical crisis.
  • Adequate Features: It is essential to opt for a health cover that offers hospitalization and daycare procedures. All the health insurance policies are different from one another. Thus, it is advisable to choose that offers maximum benefits.
  • Age Limit: There are more chances of health risks as you age. In most cases, portability applications for senior citizens is not approved. The need for health insurance is the most in the old age.

Why Choose Care Health Insurance?

People invest in a health insurance policy to stay protected against any medical exigency. However, if you are not satisfied with your existing health policy, then you may opt for porting your health policy. However, it is up to the insured to make an informed decision while switching from one insurance policy to another.

Without health insurance, it is costly to manage your healthcare needs. The primary purpose of buying health insurance online is to protect you against contingencies. Thus, be sure to opt for the right health cover after keeping in mind all the points to port your medical insurance.

If you are thinking of porting your medical insurance, then you may switch to Care Health Insurance. It is a notable name in the world of health insurance as it offers comprehensive health insurance policies with maximum coverage. Hence, it is advisable to opt for the right health insurance to make portability beneficial for you.

Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Please refer to policy terms and conditions carefully.

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