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Written by Care Health Insurance
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The human body has just one liver that performs many vital functions like filtering the blood as well as metabolizing carbohydrates, fats and proteins. The organ is also responsible for regulating blood sugar. However, the accumulation of fat in the liver can hamper its response to insulin, thereby causing insulin resistance.
Fatty liver is a health condition wherein a high amount of fat gets deposited in the liver. This can lead to severe complications. Researchers have proven that Type 2 Diabetes can result in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). The vice versa may also be possible. Fatty liver and subsequent insulin resistance may also lead to the onset of type 2 diabetes, heart attack, stroke and cancer.
Diet plays a crucial role in controlling such harmful effects on our bodies. It is never too late to switch to a healthy meal plan, when it comes to taking care of your liver and other vital organs.
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We mention below some good meal options to boost your liver health:
Opt for olive oil which is rich in omega - 3 fatty acid. It is also known to lower your liver enzymes and manage weight better. Choose fatty fish over other forms of meat as it is also a source of omega - 3 fatty acids. Follow a meal plan with healthy fats to keep your low-density lipoprotein (LDL) or ‘bad' cholesterol within limits. On the other hand, high-density lipoprotein (HDL) or ‘good' cholesterol is beneficial for your health as it keeps harmful cholesterol at bay.
Nuts like almonds and walnuts, are rich calorie sources but they do contain lots of nutrients like vitamin E, unsaturated fatty acids and antioxidants. They are good food items when it comes to preventing NAFLD and minimizing oxidative stress and inflammation. However, do remember to keep track of the number of nuts you consume.
Include green vegetables to your diets such as broccoli and spinach. This is a great way to prevent fat from accumulating in the liver. Glutathione is an antioxidant found in plants that is known to improve insulin resistance. Some vegetables like cauliflower and cabbage aid in increasing the production of glutathione and eliminating toxins in the body.
Speaking about greens, sip a cup of green tea to witness the benefits of improved liver health. Green tea helps in reduction of fat storage in the liver and boosts the functioning of the vital organ.
Scientists have proven that consumption of garlic may have tremendous positive effects when it comes to reducing body weight and fat levels in the body, especially for people with fatty liver condition.
Grapes are excellent for managing liver health as they are rich in antioxidants and help prevent liver damage. Similarly, berries viz. cranberries, raspberries, and blueberries are alternative sources of antioxidants. Other fruits that are beneficial for the liver include banana, avocado, papaya, watermelon, and lemon.
A disciplined lifestyle is the first step to sound health. Make sure your meal consists more of fruits and vegetables and less of starchy & sugary food items. Avoid consumption of alcohol for the sake of your liver health. Also, maintaining blood pressure within limits and the right body weight is of the utmost importance when it comes to preventing liver-related diseases.
Buy the best health insurance plan that provides your coverage based on your health needs, so that you have the financial cushion to avail the best treatment possible in case of any medical exigency.
Choose the best option for you and your family, from the various health insurance plans offered by Care Health Insurance to safeguard your health.
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