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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Feb, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 24 May, 2024
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Old age brings along its own set of experiences and challenges. Amidst this transition, it is essential to ensure that your health is secured. Senior citizen health insurance plans are designed specifically for individuals above the age of 60 and up to 80 years. These senior citizen insurance plans provide coverage for all medical treatments, illnesses, and surgeries that the insured individuals may undergo. In today’s scenario, health insurance plans are especially important because of the exponentially rising cost of healthcare. For senior citizens that live on a limited income, pensioned or are dependent on their children, getting a senior citizen's health insurance plan is the best way to take care of all healthcare expenses without having to use their life savings.
When you have health insurance, you have assured peace of mind. Here are the important benefits that a health insurance policy offers: -
If a network hospital is chosen for the treatment(s), the insured can avail cashless hospitalization wherein the entire expense is taken care of by the respective health insurance company without having to spend any money from one’s pocket.
Even if you aren’t able to get treatment from the list of network hospitals and miss out on cashless hospitalization, you will still be able to get the reimbursement of all the medical expenses incurred.
Senior citizens will not be needed to use up all of their life savings for any unplanned or unexpected medical/surgical procedures if they are covered under a senior citizen's health insurance or family medical insurance. This enables them to continue to enjoy a comfortable standard of living even in times of medical crisis.
The policyholders are eligible for tax benefits on the medical insurance premiums paid under Section 80D of the Income Tax Act, 1961. Make sure that you can capitalize on 80D tax benefits.
Coverage is provided for even pre-existing diseases. This is incredibly beneficial for senior citizens that may already be suffering from certain illnesses.
The co-pay option helps in reducing the premiums and even avail discounts from the insurer. If you opt for this option, a certain percentage of your medical expenses will have to be paid from your own pocket.
Other expenses like ambulance charges, pre/post-hospitalization expenses and many more are also covered under such insurance plans.
You can enroll for a new critical illness policy among others or renew an existing one entirely on the insurer’s website online, thanks to digitization. In fact, all your payments can be made through a variety of options including debit cards, net banking, credit card and much more!
You will be able to choose a ‘sum assured’ that caters to all your requirements.
The claims process is relatively fast and streamlined to ensure quicker resolutions and claim settlements.
Health insurance policies for senior citizens do not require approval for any pre-medical tests. This is precisely why you must go through the insurer’s terms and conditions very carefully to choose the best health insurance policy for yourself.
This is likely to include diagnostic tests, nursing charges, consultation fees, medicines, etc. which is required before the admission as well as after the patient is discharged from the hospital.
Health Insurance for senior citizens is extremely important; after all, it also has multiple benefits associated with it. Care Health Insurance plans are designed to offer you convenience along with security no matter which health plan you choose.
Disclaimer: Please read the brochure and prospectus to know more about our health insurance plans cover as conditions may vary.
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