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calendar_monthPublished on 5 Apr, 2020
autorenewUpdated on 26 Oct, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Aiming to protect the citizens from the spread of COVID-19, the government has taken several measures. Isolation to social distancing and lockdown, they are likely to have some challenges for many and altogether created new routines for the public.
In the absence of physical contact with distant family members, friends or relatives, it’s more important than ever to make a conscious effort to stay connected with each other.
Whether you are working from home, or maintain social distancing, or in self-isolating, try to maintain your mental peace and calmness. Here are five ways to take care of your mental wellbeing during the COVID-19 outbreak.
The most effective way to keep calm is not to believe in rumours about coronavirus, infected patients, lockdown, etc. You should only take the news seriously published by authorized sources on social media and news channels. Never encourage rumour mongers and even ask them to stop the nuisance. Do not overstuff your mind with unwanted or fake information. It’s good to read more and more stuff about COVID-19 available on authorized sources and spread knowledge instead of rumours.
Though, it’s hard to resist yourself from an outing, shopping, or driving. But, it is a need of an hour. If you want to keep yourself and your family secure from viruses, then maintain social distancing. For any urgency you have to go outside then maintain 3 feet distance from other people. You can also do this while at home if you have mild symptoms like cold, cough, or fever. You do not need to worry much if you follow the preventive advisory led by the government.
Click to know about Precationary Steps to Combat Coronavirus
Being a responsible citizen and family member, you have to take the steps for stress management. Stress causes inflammation in the body that can affect your immune system. So, manage your stress with meditation, yoga, and different breathing techniques. Also, you should ask your spouse, children, or elderly parents to become a part of it. Play music, dance on your favourite tunes, paint, cook, and try to spend quality time to boosts your mood.
Eating right is also a good way to care for your well-being during the corona lockdown. You can include seasonal fruits, fresh veggies, seeds, and high vitamins that provide essential nutrition. A nutritional diet is helpful to improve the immune system to reduce infection risk and keeps you fit.
When you are at home, no clue whether your salary will be released on time or if there is any drop in the amount, you have so many expenses in such situation Health insurance is your saviour. If you already health insurance insured, then you do not need to lose your cool. However, if you are not, then buy it right now. You do not need to step out of your home, you can buy it online.
>> Also Read Do Health Insurance Plans Cover Mental Illness
Opt for ‘Care’ a customized and comprehensive health insurance plan offered by Care Health Insurance. It covers all your medical expenses that occur due to coronavirus or any other disease. The assurance of the right health care at the right time gives you peace of mind during the corona pandemic.
Disclaimer: Please read the brochure and prospectus to know more about our health insurance plans cover as conditions may vary.
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