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calendar_monthPublished on 25 Sep, 2019
autorenewUpdated on 27 Oct, 2023
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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Your circulatory system, which is also called the cardiovascular system, comprises the heart, veins, arteries, and capillaries. Its primary function is to pump blood to all parts of your body. When this system gets affected, it leads to ailments, which is known as cardiovascular disease. Statistics show that these heart diseases have grown to become one of the leading causes of death across the world, compared to any other illness. Thus, it becomes increasingly important to understand it and learn how to prevent it.
In this article, we will tell you about some of the symptoms of cardiovascular disease, its type, and its prevention.
It is critical to be able to understand when someone has heart disease. The general cardiovascular disease symptoms are:
While these are the most common symptoms, they are not the only ones. Symptoms of cardiovascular diseases can manifest in several ways throughout the body.
The symptoms of cardiovascular disease are different for men and women. Men tend to experience chest pain, while women are more likely to experience other symptoms such as difficulty in breathing, nausea, and fatigue.
It is essential to look for symptoms of cardiovascular disease and discuss your issues with the medical practitioner. The symptoms may differ according to any specific condition. If anyone in your family is experiencing symptoms, then one must consult a doctor immediately.
Sometimes, the symptoms of cardiovascular disease are difficult to diagnose until an individual suffers from a heart attack, stroke, or angina.
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There are several types of heart diseases. They consist of different kinds of conditions that may or may not occur at the same time. These may also cause other diseases or conditions. More often than not, you may have come across these terms but may not have known what they were exactly. The following list of cardiovascular disease examples can help shed some light on the matter:-
There are numerous causes or risk factors that contribute to cardiovascular disease. Some of the common cardiovascular disease causes are:
Some of these causes may be in our control to prevent, while others may not be. While prevention is better than cure, it is essential always to have a safety net should anything go wrong. Care Health Insurance offers Heart Mediclaim, a comprehensive mediclaim policy that covers up to 16 heart illnesses. It has numerous benefits for heart disease treatment and is a great way to protect you and your family.
Various kinds of cardiovascular diseases are preventable. Heart disease can be prevented by just making a few adjustments to our lifestyle. Prevention of cardiovascular disease is possible, but only if strict measures are followed. It is essential to combat the risk factors by following these steps:
By following the steps mentioned above, the prevention of cardiovascular disease is possible.
Having a sedentary lifestyle and a poor diet may not cause heart disease when a person is young. However, they may face the risk of being affected by heart disease in the future as these conditions have cumulative effects.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for cardiovascular diseases is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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