Care Insurance
  • Published on 24 Feb, 2023

    Updated on 27 Oct, 2023


    4 min Read

As common as cold and cough, viral fever is a condition experienced by one and all. A fever is defined as an increase in body temperature. This simply means that our body is experiencing abnormal activity. A fever can be caused by a number of factors, including viral or bacterial infection, heat exhaustion, a cancerous tumour, medications such as antibiotics and medications used to control seizures or high blood pressure, vaccines, and inflammatory conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis. A fever means something is wrong with the body, and viral fever is one of them.

What Is a Viral Fever?

We go through seasonal changes every year. And each year, we risk contracting viral fever, which typically occurs when it goes from hot to cold or cold to hot. Any fever that arises due to a viral infection is referred to as viral fever. Viruses are little pathogens that are easily transmitted from one person to another.

Your immune system reacts to a viral infection, such as the flu or a cold, by putting itself into overdrive. Raising your body's temperature helps with this reaction by making the environment less welcoming for other bacteria and viruses. 

How Many Days Does a Viral Fever Last? 

The average body temperature is 98.6°F for most people. Any temperature higher than this is regarded as a fever. Depending on the sort of virus causing it, a viral fever duration may last from a few days to one week or longer. Although the flu virus-related illness is prevalent, it should not be ignored because it can worsen.

Symptoms of Viral Fever

Viral fever usually comes with several other noticeable symptoms along with a rise in body temperature from 99°F to over 103°F. The symptoms of viral fever differ depending on the type of infection and can vary from individual to individual. The following are some of the most common viral fever symptoms in adults:

  • High fever up to 103-104°F
  • Sweating
  • Runny nose or nasal congestion
  • Headache
  • Dehydration
  • Sore throat
  • Nausea/vomiting
  • Chills
  • Loss of appetite
  • Weakness & Fatigue
  • Muscle aches and pains
  • Diarrhoea and abdominal pain

Causes of viral fever include the spread of the virus due to inhalation or contact with an infected person, bodily fluids, and mosquito bites. Viral fever symptoms in children are almost the same as that in adults.

Tips To Prevent Viral Fever

Given the unpredictable virus infections, you should know how to prevent viral fever with these tips: 

  • Maintaining proper hygiene is the most significant preventive measure. This includes frequently washing or sanitising the hands, avoiding touching the nose or mouth, changing clothes daily, discarding used tissues, etc. Avoid sharing food, drinks, and personal objects to prevent the transmission of the virus.
  • Another essential preventive measure to boost immunity and prevent contracting a viral fever is getting an annual flu vaccine.
  • Mosquito bites, which can result in viral infections like dengue, malaria, and other ailments, can be avoided by using mosquito nets, insect repellents, etc.
  • The chance of contracting a viral fever can be reduced by eating nutritious, warm foods, as viruses flourish in either normal or cold temperatures. One can also add healthy vitamins to the diet to strengthen the immune system and combat viral illnesses.
  • Avoid consuming polluted water, a significant cause of viral fever, especially in infants.

How To Treat Viral Fever

Antibiotics are ineffective against viral fever, in contrast to bacterial infections. There is no specific treatment, and the focus of care is often on symptom management. You can do viral fever treatment at home by considering below points:

Drugs like ibuprofen or paracetamol are common viral fever medicines. They can lower temperature and ease aches and pains.

  • Hydration is a key factor in preventing dehydration.
  • It is advised to rest as much as possible.
  • When necessary, antiviral treatment can be helpful.
  • Lukewarm showers can help with muscle discomfort and soreness.

You can try herbal home remedies for viral fever, like coriander tea, basil, lemon, and honey. Also, taking a lukewarm bath and drinking cool water can help you control the body’s temperature.  

Dos and Don’t of Viral Fever

Dos Don’ts
To control your temperature, apply an ice pack. Don’t engage in demanding or tiring activities.
Take the viral fever medications that your doctor has prescribed and get enough rest so that your body can fight the virus. Avoid self-medication as inadequate medication and dose information poses serious health hazards.
Consume light, nutrient-rich foods that are simple to digest. Avoid high temperatures because they will make you sweat or shiver more.
When you sneeze or cough, always cover your mouth and nose. If you're unwell, don't let anyone else touch your food, tissues, or handkerchief.
Keep your electrolyte balance and avoid dehydration by drinking enough water. Throwing away used tissues could cause an illness to spread; therefore, refrain from doing so.

Summing It Up

The body naturally reacts to disease or inflammation with fever. Fever is a sign that the body's immune system is working to combat the virus and prevent it. In children and adults, viral fever is generally nothing to worry about. The majority of viral fevers subside on their own in a few days. But you should visit a doctor if your temperature reaches 103 degrees or higher. 

Follow the prevention mentioned above advice to avoid getting a viral fever. If you contract a viral fever, keep the aforementioned dos and don'ts in mind for a speedy recovery. Follow your doctor's instructions, get plenty of rest, and eat healthily. If you need to be hospitalised for any viral infection-related consequences, be sure your health insurance coverage is valid and in effect. You can buy a health insurance cover by Care Health insurance that offers a lifetime renewability option to all insured members.

>> Also Read: Everything you need to know about Viral Fever

Disclaimer - The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.

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