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Written by Care Health Insurance
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A stroke is an emergency condition where blood flow to the brain is either reduced or blocked or a blood vessel bursts. There is a lack of oxygen flow in the brain during a stroke, which can cause long-term damage over time.
People who suffer from brain stroke require immediate medical attention. Stroke is a major cause of death, but acting quickly can limit brain damage or prevent death. A stroke can cause temporary or permanent disability, depending on how long blood flow to the brain is interrupted. Let's know its types, symptoms, causes and prevention. Few things to take care of when doing things as per the required set of rules.
There are mainly four types of stroke –
Your body may send warning signs to you and those around you that you have a stroke. Generally given below are the major signs of a stroke.
Common causes of stroke come from blood vessels both outside and inside the brain. Read below a few brain stroke reasons:
People of any age groups can get a stroke. Let’s know the necessary stroke treatment and precautions to prevent the disease:
When a stroke occurs, it is important to 'act fast’ to avoid it. The letters F, A, S and T are important reminders to follow if you think someone has a stroke.
F for face: Ask the person to smile. If the face droops to one side, it is a sign of a stroke.
A for arms: Ask the person to raise both arms. If one falls, it is a sign of a stroke.
S for Speech: Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. If speech is slurred or abnormal, it is a sign of a stroke.
T for Time: If you see any of these signs, rush the person to the hospital without wasting a minute.
Along with stroke causes and prevention, treatment and precautions, you should also take good health insurance. Care Health Insurance introduces a Critical Illness Mediclaim policy that covers the treatment of critical conditions like stroke. Proceed to lead a healthier life by purchasing Critical Illness Mediclaim today and staying worry-free.
>> Also Read: Difference between stroke and heart attack
Disclaimer: The fulfilment of stroke claims is subject to the terms and conditions of the policy.
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