Care Insurance
  • Published on 27 Jun, 2022

    Updated on 11 Mar, 2025


    4 min Read

Let's confront it…

Your body in your 50s or 60s isn't the same as one that is in your 20s and 30s. You probably wouldn't be able to do the same things at the pace once you did. Well, the harsh truth of the golden years!

With time, issues related to aging begin to appear. After the age of 25, the average man's maximum attainable heart rate drops by about one beat per minute per year, and the heart's maximum capacity to pump blood drops by 5% to 10% per decade. That's why a healthy 25-year-old heart can pump 212 quarts of blood per minute, but a 65-year-old heart can't go over 112 quarts, and an 80-year-old heart, even if disease-free, can only pump about a quart. In common parlance, this decreased aerobic capacity can cause fatigue and shortness of breath while performing daily activities.

Wondering what can you do to stay fit?

Strength training is one of the most important things you can do to stay fit even in your old age. It can prevent or postpone many of the health issues that seem to accompany your retirement days. It also helps your muscles grow stronger, allowing you to carry on with your everyday routines without becoming reliant on others.

Nevertheless, it is always recommended to do it under special supervision or you know the limit. 

So, how much physical activity do you need to consider in order to be healthy without harming yourself?

How Much Physical Activity is Required for Healthy Ageing?

Remember that some physical activity is advised over no activity at all. The more active you are physical, the better your health will be.

Seniors aged 65 and above require:

  • At least 150 minutes per week of moderate-intensity activity (for example, 30 minutes per day, 5 days per week) such as brisk walking. Alternatively, they require 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity per week, such as trekking, jogging, or running.
  • At least two days per week of muscle-strengthening activities are necessary.
  • Trying to stand on one foot three days a week is an example of a balance-improving activity.

If you are unable to meet these recommendations due to chronic conditions, be as active and fit as your abilities and conditions allow.

Why Excercise is Important?

Exercise is essential for maintaining good health throughout, but it is equally important as you get older. This is because physical activity can alleviate many of the health issues associated with aging, such as muscle spasms and decreased bone density. When muscle loss can cause pain, injury, and a functional decline as you age, a weight-bearing physical activity can be a boon to prevent this.

Exercise is also a superb antidote to cognitive decline. Taking genetic risk into account, people who follow healthy lifestyles that include regular exercise have a much-reduced risk of getting dementia than those who live less active lives.

Exercise also lowers your chances of developing heart disease, diabetes, depression, hypertension, stroke, colon and breast cancer, and other diseases.

Muscle-Strengthening Exercises

Elderly people can add muscle-strengthening activities to their day-to-day life. Thee not only prevent muscle mass and bone density loss but also ensure proper movement and function. Resistance exercise is another name for this type of exercise.

  • Strength workouts should take place at least twice a week.
  • To learn the fundamentals, you can go to a fitness center or use a strength training guide. 
  • It can be beneficial to take the advice of a qualified trainer on how to modify exercises to fit your fitness level and address any orthopedic issues you may have.
  • Perform eight to ten exercises, with 10 to 15 repeats of each.
  • Lifting, pushing and pulling exercises all help to build muscle strength and endurance.

Move More Sit Less

Throughout the day, the elderly should start moving more and sit less. Remember that any amount of physical activity is preferable to none. Senior people who sit less and engage in moderate physical activity reap some health benefits. More the physical activity you engage in, the better your health will be.

Stretching and balance activities should be included on weekly basis as per the endurance level. Physical activities with multiple components can help prevent injuries from falls and enhance muscle function.

The Bottom Line

Aging is unavoidable, but it has a fearsome reputation. Nobody can stop the clock, however, most individuals can slow it down and start enjoying life as they age gracefully and vigorously. If you haven't exercised in a while or are beginning a new activity that your body isn't used to, a slow start is essential. Begin with 10 minutes and gradually increase the duration, frequency, and intensity of your workouts. You don't have to go to the gym or do hour-long workouts rather you can start your strength training at home. 

Aging causes the elderly to visit the doctor's clinic frequently and to be admitted once in a while. This adds up to be quite costly. There comes a health insurance plan for the senior citizen to your rescue that covers the majority of the medical costs. Care Health Insurance offers Senior Citizen Health Insurance, a plan for life’s golden years that is 61 and above with no maximum upper senior citizen age limit.

Secure yourself with a health insurance plan and simply get up and do activities instead of sitting to help reduce your health risks and allow yourself to function in your daily life as you age.

Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only: Policy Assurance and Claims at the underwriter's discretion.

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