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calendar_monthPublished on 22 Sep, 2023
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Written by Riya Lohia
A seizure occurs when there are changes in the electrical activity in the brain. Anyone can develop seizures, be it a 65+ year old or children below 1. Seizure is a common chronic brain disease affecting people of all ages. But the good news is that, according to WHO, around 70% of the affected people could be seizure-free if given proper treatment. WHO has been partnering with ministries of health to enhance accessibility of the treatment.
This blog explains everything related to this health condition, starting from what is seizure to types of seizures to how to go with the treatment procedures. Stay connected!
A seizure is an abnormal electrical activity in the brain that can cause uncontrollable movements and unconsciousness. A seizure can give different experiences to different individuals. An injury, illness or any underlying medical condition may be the causes. It can affect anyone at any age. Some might feel a jerk in arm and many can be made to stare at one point for a few seconds continuously.
When it happens, various effects can be seen in the body, from rapid jerking of hands and legs to seizures all over the body. Depending on the stage of seizure and its severity, some people may experience frequent symptoms while others may experience light to no symptoms at all. Some types of seizures can be dangerous as they may cause injuries to the patient. So, it is essential to seek treatment for seizures and follow the doctor's advice to control the situation. Thankfully, seizures are possible to treat.
Neurons, the brain nerve cells, produce, send and receive electrical impulses, resulting in cell communication. A seizure disrupts those communication pathways. Genetic changes, epilepsy are the main causes of seizure. Other known causes of seizures are-
One may wonder what exactly causes a seizure. Well, the known seizure causes are as follows:
Apart from the aforementioned seizure causes, certain causes of seizures can remain unknown, especially in children. It is best to let your doctor conduct the diagnosis to reach a conclusion.
Seizure symptoms can be multiple and not everyone may experience the same effects. Depending on the type of seizure and the stage, the symptoms may vary. It may include:
During the episodes of seizures, someone may experience the following:
The types of seizure can be categorised into:
1. Focal: These result from electrical activity in only one area of the brain and it can occur with or without loss of awareness/consciousness.
2. Generalised seizures: Here, the electrical activity occurs in all areas of the brain. Contrary to focal seizures, generalised seizures affect both sides of the brain and may have a larger impact. Generalised seizures have been classified into below types:
3. Epileptic Seizures
Epilepsy and seizures are two terms that you may get confused about. In simple terms, epilepsy is a type of seizure. During epileptic seizures, the person may experience frequent and recurrent seizures that may be unprovoked. Epilepsy is not so uncommon, and 1 out of 26 people may suffer from epilepsy. However, proper medical treatment is important to cure the condition or keep the situation under control.
4. Febrile Seizures
Usually, children may suffer from febrile seizures. Well, it is harmless and ends within a few minutes. Febrile seizures may occur due to infections or vaccinations. Make sure to consult a doctor if your child experiences febrile seizures.
There are broadly three stages of seizures:
Neurologists may suggest you undergo blood tests or spinal tap for seizure diagnosis. EEG, MRI, CT, PET or SPECT detect problems in the brain. On high frequency of seizures, a test involving insertion of electrodes into the brain helps to diagnose the problem.
If you had only one seizure, then it might not require medical attention. But continuous seizures must not go untreated. There are several ways to get the right seizure treatment such as medication, surgery, vagus nerve stimulation, responsive nerve stimulation, and deep brain stimulation.
The effect of seizures depends on the severity of seizure symptoms in a person. Broadly, the following may be the health impact of seizures:
Certain types of seizures may cause the person to fall on the ground leading to a head injury or other body parts’ injury.
Seizures can be unforeseen and can occur anytime. In case you are driving, a seizure attack can lead to accidents. Also, if a seizure occurs during swimming, one may even drown. So, accidents may be a serious problem for people suffering from severe seizures.
Women suffering from epilepsy or seizure disorder may find pregnancy complications. This is because seizures can affect the life inside, and the anti-seizure medications may not be good for the baby.
Sometimes, seizure disorder takes a toll on mental health. Since experiencing such incidents can be quite disturbing and depressive for the patient, one’s mental health is at stake always. It is important to make the person feel comfortable and not guilty of whatever happens during the seizure attack.
Treatment of seizures can involve medication, surgery, diet changes and so on. Sometimes, the surgery or medication can be costly and heavy on your pocket. To avoid such a situation, you may invest in a health insurance plan that covers seizures and related treatment costs.
Seizures can be severe, mild, or even unnoticeable. It depends on the type of seizure and its impact on the person. If you suffer from seizure disorder, it is highly advised to not neglect the situation and seek medical attention immediately. With proper medical care, the situation may be cured or controlled to a great extent.
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>> Also Read: Does Health Insurance Cover Brain Surgery?
Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.
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