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Published on 14 Oct, 2020
Updated on 7 Feb, 2024
3 min Read
Written by Care Health Insurance
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The lockdown after coronavirus outbreak had given many families the chance to spend more time together. Some took up cooking as a hobby, trying new recipes and honing their culinary skills. For most of the women and men, cooking is a daily chore. Yet, some people consider cooking as an art. It can mean different things to different people, but healthy cooking should always be on focus since the food we eat impacts our physical and mental health. Besides, the present situation demands that we eat the right foods to boost immunity that will help us fight ailments.
One cannot neglect the significance of healthy cooking practices. So, here are some useful tips for healthy cooking that will help you take care of your family’s nutritional needs.
Washing the vegetables will remove any dirt, germs, and fertilisers or pesticides deposited on their skin. You can find many healthy ways to clean the vegetables on the internet. Make sure you also rinse the vegetables thoroughly under plain water.
Vegetables lose their colour and nutrients when overcooked. So, it is essential to cook them quickly; so, you could either steam or stir-fry them, so their nutrients get preserved. Steaming and baking are healthier options than deep frying. Some studies have shown that steaming zucchini and broccoli helps in retaining carotenoids that are pigments which decrease the risk of certain cancers.
Switch to whole grains instead of refined products. Opt for whole-wheat flour when preparing snacks like samosas, which is an excellent alternative to all-purpose flour or maida. Similarly, consider brown basmati rice over white rice. Also, unpolished pulses and legumes are healthier substitutes for polished ones because polishing takes away the fibres and nutrients.
For cooking at high temperature, you would need oils that remain stable. It is essential to protect them from oxidative damage. So, store them in tight containers. Use healthy cooking oil when preparing meals. For instance, olive oil offers health benefits by lowering the risk of heart disease and breast cancer. There is Canola oil too, which is good for heart health.
It is essential to use the right kind of cookware that is safe and non-toxic. The cookware also needs to be cleaned regularly to prevent the build-up of bacteria. Excessive use of aluminium vessels can be responsible for an increased level of aluminium in brain tissues. So, opt for alternatives like stainless steel and ceramic that are apt for healthy cooking. Similarly, glass is a material that is best for microwave cooking.
Diseases, such as diabetes, hypertension, and heart problems are on the rise. Healthy eating habits and the way we cook our meals play a crucial role in preventing the harmful effects of these medical conditions. Cooking low-sugar and low-fat meals is a healthy choice to consider. Fats have twice the amount of calories present in carbohydrates. So, use them in moderate amounts while cooking. Not all fats are harmful to the body. Fats do have a role in the absorption of vitamins A, D, E and K. There are good fats like Omega 3 fatty acids, present in Canola Oil; you should include in your diet. The cooking tips, mentioned above, will give you the right start to a healthier lifestyle.
Healthy cooking is one of the vital aspects of leading a healthy lifestyle. Since health is the biggest wealth, you must also choose to protect it with the right health insurance plan. Visit the website of Care Health Insurance and opt for a health insurance policy to avail of many benefits like annual health check-up and no claim bonus.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Please refer to sales prospects, policy terms and conditions carefully to know more about our different plans.
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