Care Insurance
  • Published on 10 May, 2024

    Updated on 13 May, 2024


    5 min Read

Have you ever experienced a sudden toothache and dreaded undergoing any dental procedure like a root canal treatment? Don't worry, you're not alone! In India, many people avoid essential dental procedures including root canals due to misconceptions about pain, cost, and insurance coverage associated with it. 

However, most people don’t fully understand the process of root canal treatment. This blog discusses the process of a root canal treatment, the side effects/risks, and the costs associated with it. Let's take a look! 

What is a Root Canal?

A root canal is a part of a tooth, not a treatment. To understand it better, consider the structure of a tooth. A tooth consists of roots and a crown. The roots are below the gums and the crown is above it. The roots join the tooth and the jawbone.

The pulp, which is the hollow portion of a tooth, contains blood vessels, arteries, nerve tissue, and other cells. This pulp provides nutrients and moisture to the tooth. 

The dental treatment, i.e., RCT procedure is commonly known as endodontic (inside the tooth) therapy. It refers to the interior of the teeth. Simply put, this pulp (the soft core of the tooth) is removed during a root canal treatment.

When is a Root Canal Needed?

A root canal treatment is necessary when the pulp, the soft inner portion of a tooth gets damaged, inflamed, or infected. When a tooth is deeply chipped, cracked or has a deep cavity, the pulp becomes home to bacteria. Sometimes, dental injuries can also cause severe inflammation and damage to the pulp. 

If left untreated, germs, decaying material, and bacteria can cause a severe infection that can further cause damage/death of the pulp, loss of bone, and eventual loss of the tooth itself.

Even in cases where the pulp is dead, the crown (portion visible above your gums) may hold together and stay intact. Hence, to maintain the structure of the tooth, it is important to remove any damaged, injured, or infected pulp immediately. 

Causes of Pulp Damage

Let us take a look at some of the most common causes of pulp damage:

  • Chip/crack in the tooth 
  • Untreated cavity and deep decay 
  • Tooth injury 
  • Multiple dental treatments in the same tooth. 

Symptoms of Pulp Damage

Watch out for these signs and symptoms:

  • Pain in the tooth 
  • Gum swelling 
  • Temperature (heat/ cold) Sensitivity 
  • Swelling around neck and face 
  • Hole in the tooth

How is a Root Canal Performed?

An RCT treatment is performed in a dental clinic. To confirm the diagnosis, your dentist will look into the affected tooth and perform an X-ray. If the reports indicate pulp damage, your dentist will recommend you see an endodontist to get the root canal treatment. The procedure generally takes place in four steps. 

Step 1: Anaesthetic

A tiny bit of numbing medicine will be applied to your gums by the dentist around the infected tooth. Once the numbing medicine takes effect, your gums will be injected with a local anaesthetic. You may feel a pinching or burning sensation, which will quickly pass.. 

During an RCT treatment, you will not be put to sleep. You will be awake throughout the procedure, but the anaesthetic makes sure that you feel no pain.

Step 2: Removing the Pulp

The endodontist will create a little opening in the tooth's apex once it is numb. The dentist will use special tools known as ‘files’ to remove the infected or damaged pulp delicately. Further, the endodontist will take extra care to thoroughly clean all the canals in your tooth. 

Step 3: Antibiotics/Medications

Once the pulp has been removed, the dentist will apply a topical antibiotic to the affected area to eliminate the chances of a reinfection.  The dentist will then fill and seal your tooth using gutta-percha (rubber-like substance), and a sealer paste after cleaning and disinfecting the canals. Depending on the condition of the tooth, they may also prescribe oral antibiotics.

Step 4: Temporary Filling

Here, the dentist will use a soft, temporary substance to seal the tiny opening at the top of your tooth to complete the root canal treatment. This sealant will help the canals from being damaged/affected by saliva. 

Step 5: Root Capping

Dentists recommend a cap/crown to be placed on top within 1 week of the root canal treatment so that there is no breakage of the original remains of the tooth. This protects the teeth from any further damage.

Is RCT Treatment Painful?

While many people are afraid that this type of treatment may hurt, a trained dental surgeon should be able to perform the procedure with little to no discomfort. It is important to note that the infection is the source of the pain, not the course of the treatment. The RCT procedure helps in reducing the discomfort caused by the infection.

Moreover, your dentist will use a local anaesthetic to minimise pain throughout the treatment. It is usual to feel slight pain and discomfort after the procedure. However, it is temporary. It will go away with over-the-counter (OTC) medications. The dentist may also recommend an antibiotic to treat and prevent the infection in future.

What Are Root Canal Side Effects?

In some cases, the dentist might only spot 3 root canals in a tooth that has 4. In such situations, the untreated canal can create  a severe infection and spread into the bone and surrounding areas. 

Another side effect includes the filling process. The dentist must ensure that the filling material goes far inside the canal to properly seal it.A poorly sealed root canal could bring back the infection for the worse. 

Sometimes, the tools might break or create cracks in the canal and perforate it during the procedure. This complicates the process of filling the tooth efficiently. Hence, it is important to connect with an experienced and highly trained  professional while considering a root canal treatment. 

Root canal side effects may also occur if the antibiotic course is not finished as prescribed by the dentist. It is important to follow the root canal before and after instructions and take the full course of treatment.

Are Dental Treatments Covered By Health Insurance?

Today, healthcare costs are at an all-time high. Under such circumstances, many individuals cannot afford the root canal treatment cost out of their pockets immediately. This is where health insurance policies come into play. 

Generally, most health insurance companies do not cover dental treatment, like dental implants. However, important treatments and surgeries like root canal treatment and extractions may be covered under the plan. It is important to understand the inclusions and exclusions of dental coverage under your policy. 

Depending on the level of coverage you have chosen, your health insurance policy may pay for dental treatment if you require care following an illness or an accident.

It is crucial to examine, compare, and contrast different policies thoroughly to make sure they align with your healthcare requirements and financial state. Once you know which policy to buy, you must review the policy documents carefully before making the purchase. Make sure you consult your insurance provider to know the types of dental procedures, claims, and terms and conditions covered under the policy. 

You can also check out Care Health Insurance for your dental treatment. It provides the best possible health insurance policies at affordable premiums that suit diverse needs. 

To Conclude:

Having an RCT treatment can be quite uncomfortable if your dentist does not inject any anaesthetic into your gums, or treats multiple teeth together. Hence, it is advisable to reach out to a skilled surgeon while considering a root canal treatment.  

Like most people, you should experience less pain following the RCT treatment because the infection that was causing your tooth pain will be removed. In the initial days following the treatment, you may feel a little tooth sensitivity. However, if you experience throbbing pain, contact your dentist immediately. Throbbing pain may indicate the existence of an infected pulp. 

>> Also Read: Does Health Insurance Include Dental and Vision Care?

Disclaimers: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions. Refer to your policy documents for more information.

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