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calendar_monthPublished on 15 Oct, 2019
autorenewUpdated on 22 Dec, 2022
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Written by Care Health Insurance
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“Healthy heart leads to a longer and happier life” is a well known and obvious fact. Unfortunately, owing to factors like unhealthy lifestyle, obesity, stress, smoking, etc, heart ailments cases have been continuously increasing across the world including India. It is important to remember that it is never too late to start paying attention to your heart health and adopt a healthier lifestyle.
Despite doing your best to take care of your heart, a medical emergency can attack anyone, anytime. A medical emergency can leave a huge negative impact on an individual and his/her family, both emotionally and financially. While it may be difficult to manage emotional agony in such a situation, a comprehensive heart care plan helps you handle the financial distress.
In comparison to previous generations, people are experiencing heart attacks at a much earlier age than before, almost a decade earlier. The reasons for this might be plenty, such as sedentary lifestyle, pollution, and genetics. Lifestyle tweaks such as a mindful diet, work-life balance, and regular exercise can help in preventing the chances of heart ailments. However, you never know what is waiting in store for you. Heart ailments such as heart attacks and cardiac arrests might even come as a complete surprise to you. Having an insurance cover that covers this aspect will make life easier for you when you are faced with sudden surprises like these.
Insurance policies offered by companies and employers most likely only offer basic covers for your health. While covers may include standard medical costs and accident coverage, it is unlikely that it covers ailments related to your heart and other major organs. It would be wise of you to go through your entire health insurance plan and purchase additional covers that are relevant to your health. Moreover, insurance from employers comes with many terms and conditions and may not always be applicable during an emergency.
Needless to say medical costs are increasing at a fast pace along with time and inflation. A heart ailment is definitely not something that easily fits the budget of everyone, especially during an emergency. Apart from basic hospitalization and medical costs, there is so much more involved such as doctors’ consultation fees, room rent, medical costs, etc. With regard to the heart, sometimes, even surgery is required. Having a heart care policy or heart attack insurance can save you from getting a hole in your pocket in such kinds of emergencies.
Most of the time, people from families who cannot easily afford treatment prefer to delay in order to save their families from financial burdens. However, what they don’t realize is that this would only cause more burden on the family once the patient’s health gets worse. Having a health insurance cover specific to your disease will ease this burden for you and your family members in double folds when the difficult time comes. Thus, look at an insurance heart cover as an investment, rather than an expense.
Any kind of diseases or ailment is sure to take a toll on your mental peace. The most common kind of stress faced in such situations is financial stresses unless you are from an extremely wealthy family. Having a life insurance policy with specific covers can ease this stress on you, knowing that you have a safety net fall back option to rely on when faced with difficult times.
There are several insurance covers for heart health that you can add on to your regular health insurance. Care heart is one such plan offered by us at Care Health Insurance company. It is a plan that offers cover for pre-existing heart ailments. It is a comprehensive heart care plan that covers several expenses such as hospitalization charges, alternate treatment expenses, ambulance charges, pre and post hospitalization charges and also regular cardiac health check-ups. If you have already detected some kind of heart ailment, this plan will have you covered. You can choose covers that best fit your kind of lifestyle and you feel will be useful for you during later stages in life.
If you already have a Care Health Insurance policy cover with you, you can add on a plan for cardiac and other heart-related ailments, if you believe you need to or will require it in the future. Prevention is always better than cure, and when it comes to your heart, there is no time to be taking it easy. While focusing on your overall health and lifestyle, you must invest in heart care insurance now and enjoy the peace of mind that comes along with regards to financial burdens, if and when you happen to face this situation later in life.
Disclaimer: Underwriting of claims for heart ailments is subject to policy terms and conditions.
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