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Written by Care Health Insurance
Insects can be carriers of several infectious diseases. Insect-borne diseases can result in viral and bacterial illnesses. Some insects are so tiny we do not even notice how they intrude into the house; that hints at why we need to be particular about sanitizing and keeping the house germs free. Most of the insect bites and stings settle within hours or days, but they can be painful and cause severe symptoms depending on the type of insect that has bitten. That includes allergic reactions, such as skin rash, severe itching, and swelling. Home remedies for insect bites can prove to be quite useful in eliminating these symptoms.
In severe cases, insect bites can also cause fever, headache, breathing difficulty, nausea, or stomach pain, then getting first aid treatment and emergency medical help should be the first step. Thus, one should take adequate precautions to keep these unwanted guests from getting inside the house. Besides, one should know the methods for a natural treatment for insect bites, as discussed below, to alleviate the pain and other symptoms.
Once you have identified the insect bite, the first thing you can do is to clean the area using soap and water. Gently apply an ice pack on the site for 10 minutes. You can repeat the steps if required. It will help in lowering the inflammation.
There are numerous health benefits of tulsi leaves, and one of them is curing bee or wasp stings. Firstly, remove the sting and clean the area. Apply a paste prepared from a handful of fresh tulsi leaves on the sting. Leave it for half an hour and rinse off with warm water.
Honey is a sugary substance known for its anti-inflammatory and antibacterial qualities and works as one of the best home remedies for insect bites. Use a small drop of honey on an itchy insect bite to reduce the inflammation.
Turmeric is not only an insect repellent; it is also an effective cure for skin irritation caused due to bug bites. Apply a mixture of turmeric powder and rose water on the mosquito bite, and wash it off after 10 minutes. The incredible combination of turmeric and sandalwood is also an excellent Ayurvedic treatment for insect bites.
Mix a teaspoon of baking soda and a glass of cold water. Soak a clean washcloth in the solution and apply it on the bug bite. You can also create a baking soda paste. Leave it for 10 minutes before washing off with water. Baking soda helps in lessening the swelling and irritation owing to its alkaline properties.
There are certain essential oils, namely lavender, neem oil, cedar, peppermint oil, and tea tree oil, which provide relief from symptoms of mosquito bites. Apply a few drops directly on the site that will speed up the healing process.
Aloe Vera helps in healing wounds, thanks to its anti-inflammatory properties. It will help in eliminating the itching and swelling while giving a soothing effect. Apply the gel obtained from the Aloe Vera plant and allow it to dry.
Some mosquito bites cause diseases, such as Malaria, Dengue, and Chikungunya, where the condition may become life-threatening without timely medical treatment. Vector-borne diseases are common in India. Moreover, treatment costs at hospitals are on the higher side, owing to medical inflation. Having health insurance can provide financial relief during such medical emergencies. Additionally, the emphasis should be on proper hygiene practices. Further, every family must invest in health insurance cover for vector-borne diseases to deal with any medical emergency. Further, every family must invest in health insurance cover for vector-borne diseases to deal with any medical emergency.
Care Health Insurance offers Care, a family health insurance plan that provides comprehensive coverage for various medical expenses apart from hospital bills, and benefits like annual health check-up, alternative treatment cover, and much more.
Disclaimer: The information given in this article is only for reference purposes. We recommend consulting a medical practitioner.
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