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calendar_monthPublished on 26 Sep, 2023
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Written by Yashita Sinha
Reviewed by Munmi Sharma
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Did you know that one drop of your blood contains as many as 1,500,000-4,000,000 platelets? These tiny disc-shaped blood cells are your body’s first line of defence against bleeding. They run to the injury sites and form blood clots that prevent blood loss and kickstart the healing process.
Platelets are responsible for all the cuts that you got as a kid that magically healed in a few days. But have you ever wondered how if your body runs into platelet deficiency, how will the injuries heal? In this blog, we’ll cover everything you need to know about this deficiency, its causes, symptoms, and ways to increase the platelet count.
Platelets, also named thrombocytes, are colourless and small cell fragments that help in blood coagulation or clotting when an injury occurs. They are made in bone marrow (sponge-like tissues in bones), containing stem cells that form platelets, red blood cells and white blood cells.
Platelets stick to the harmed blood vessel's lining and form a space for blood clotting. This process results in the formation of a fibrin clot that helps cover the wound by preventing blood from oozing. Fibrin also helps form a temporary structure or scaffolding where new tissue forms, promoting wound healing.
Many factors, also called thrombocytopenia, cause a low platelet count. Below are the major causes of low platelet count-
Bone marrow is the manufacturing source of platelets, and if the count goes below the platelets normal range, it could be directly related to bone marrow issues. Factors that cause thrombocytopenia are:
Your body can rapidly damage or use excessive platelets due to certain conditions and medications. This may lead to insufficiency of platelets in your bloodstream. The three major reasons that could lead to thrombocytopenia–low platelet count-
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The spleen is a purple-coloured, fist-shaped organ placed on the left side of your abdomen, right below your rib cage. It may vary in shape and size but usually measures around 4 inches in length. Health conditions like cancer or liver diseases usually enlarge the spleen and store excessive platelets, hampering the circulation in the body.
Extreme low platelet count can cause dangerous internal bleeding and may also lead to death if not immediately treated.
One should be watchful of platelets count as the severe drop may cause complications. An average platelet count normally ranges from 1,50,000-4,50,000 (per microlitre of blood). If the count goes below 1,50,000, it will be thrombocytopenia; if it goes below 20,000, it will be considered severe thrombocytopenia.
One may experience the following signs and symptoms if their platelet count goes below the normal range-
Dengue fever leads to low platelet count because the dengue virus directly attacks the bone marrow where platelets are produced. Due to this attack on the bone marrow, the production of platelets is affected. Also, the dengue virus orders the immune system to destroy healthy platelets in the bloodstream, resulting in a significantly low platelet count.
During dengue fever, it is advisable to practice natural methods for increasing the platelet count, including;
First, one finds the answer to how to increase platelets naturally when diagnosed with low platelet count. Below is the list of foods that should help you increase your platelet count at home-
Milk is a rich source of protein and calcium essential to maintain bones and muscle strength. Interestingly, milk also has vitamin K, which helps blood clotting. Moreover, regular milk consumption is also recommended to improve platelet count naturally if you don’t have any underlying health condition.
Green and leafy vegetables are undoubtedly a rich source of vitamin K. Once you start consuming green leafy vegetables such as parsley, basil, spinach and celery, other vegetables such as asparagus, cabbage and watercress, you will find yourself feeling healthy as your platelet count will also start increasing naturally.
You must have often heard that one should have papaya leaf extract for dengue fever. That basically means it is a common remedy for low platelet count. Regularly consuming a glass of papaya leaf extract can easily do the trick.
Pomegranate can improve blood counts tremendously as it is rich in iron. Your health expert may also recommend that you consume pomegranate regularly. It can also help during malaria by giving you the boost you need. It also contains antioxidants and vitamin C, which help boost immunity and fight infections.
Wheatgrass is the most effective natural treatment that helps boost platelet count. It contains chlorophyll, similar to blood's haemoglobin. It also has the additional benefit of boosting red and white blood cells. One may also consume it during the chemotherapy as it directly attacks platelet count, so wheatgrass can help recover the lost platelets.
Now that you know which foods increase platelets in the blood, you can easily follow a healthy regime and recover the lost platelets. However, you would have to speak to your health practitioner or haematologist (blood specialist) if you are experiencing a low platelet count due to some medical condition.
Low blood count could happen due to various health conditions. If you are diagnosed with thrombocytopenia or severe thrombocytopenia due to underlying health conditions such as dengue, cancer or auto-immune diseases, your doctor may recommend you undergo a platelet transfusion immediately. The process could cost a fortune if you are not covered under a comprehensive health insurance plan by Care Health Insurance. You will be covered under cancer mediclaim if your low platelet count is due to cancer or chemotherapy. However, you will be covered under health insurance for families and individuals if your low platelet count is due to dengue or any other auto-immune condition.
Disclaimer: The above information is for reference purposes only. Kindly consult your general physician for verified medical advice. The health insurance benefits are subject to policy terms and conditions.
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