Care Insurance
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Have you seen someone rubbing hand wash for a lifetime or so?


Do you check if the door is locked multiple times?

If you are nodding to it, we’ve got you.

Reena, a Delhi citizen, used to check the door of her apartment multiple times before leaving for college in the morning. On the other hand, Debojit, a Kolkata citizen, walked around his car a dozen times while locking it to ensure everything was alright.

Try to imagine the fear and the terror such people live with. 

These all are OCD symptoms.

What is OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder)?

It is a prevalent psychiatric disorder that affects around 1% to 3% of the global population. It is a mental and behavioural disorder in which an individual has an obsession due to intrusive thoughts, further leading to distress. To release it, they perform certain routines or rituals (compulsions), which consume much of the patient’s time and cause functional impairment.

What are Obsessions?

Obsessions are unrestrained, unwanted, and repetitive thoughts, mental images or urges. Such thoughts trigger distress and anxiety and don’t have any apparent purpose. 

For example, someone with OCD may have intrusive thoughts about infections, causing them to worry about falling ill.

What are Compulsions?

Obsessions can result in compulsions. Compulsions occur in response to obsessions and involve repetitive mental events or actions that an OCD patient performs to get relief from anxiety. Hand washing, ordering, repeating, cleaning, counting, praying, seeking assurance, and checking things are all common compulsions. 

What are OCD Symptoms or Signs?

OCD is a chronic condition. OCD disease symptoms can come and go with time. OCD can affect anyone of any age. 

Obsessive Symptoms

Obsessions don’t just go away naturally. They can often develop into specific themes. Though we all experience unpleasant or unwanted thoughts, the problem begins when they persist for a long time. They start dominating thoughts and interrupt daily activities, leading to obsession. 

Some common obsessions include-

  • Fear of harming self or others
  • Fear of contamination
  • Obsession with symmetry 
  • Fear of acting blasphemously
  • Absent-mindedness
  • Fear of losing control
  • Perfectionism
  • Excessive concern with gender identity or sexual orientation

Compulsive Symptoms

OCD patients don’t get pleasure from such activities but they have to do so to feel temporary relief from their distress caused by intrusive and repetitive thoughts.

OCD problems may consume around one hour per day. 


  • Arranging things in a particular way
  • Washing hands or bathing time and again
  • Repeatedly checking things
  • Counting repeatedly
  • Need for constant reassurance
  • Avoiding situations that trigger obsessions

Let’s understand it with an example. Niti, a college student, used to just spend most of her time arranging her hostel room to perfection. Her friends would pull her leg by posting the pictures of her study table in perfect symmetry even after constant use for several  hours. 

Causes or Etiology of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

According to obsessive compulsive disorder specialists, the aetiology of OCD is complex. It encompasses diverse factors such as genetic, cognitive, neural, and environmental elements. PANDAS syndrome can also cause OCD. It may develop during childhood or later in adulthood. 


There are possibilities of a heritable risk for OCD. If one’s first-degree family members exhibit OCD then he is likely to develop OCD symptoms.


Overestimation of responsibility and threat can make one induce this anxiety disorder. 

Neural and Environmental Elements

Childhood trauma, such as neglect, abuse, and molestation, can lead to the development of OCD. 

PANDAS Syndrome

It is a paediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder associated with streptococcal infections. Children who have had strep infections can develop OCD.

Major Types of OCD

  • Contamination
  • Symmetry and Ordering
  • Checking
  • Ruminations and Intrusive Thoughts

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder Treatment

The standard treatment plan for OCD includes therapies and medication. 

Generally, Fluoxetine, Fluvoxamine, Paroxetine, Sertraline, and Clomipramine are prescribed for OCD problems. If these two don’t help you recover, experts may recommend TMS (transcranial magnetic stimulation) in case of severe and chronic symptoms. Here, read about therapies. 

Some of the therapies are given below-

  • Psychotherapy: Also called talk therapy, helps to change unhealthy behaviours, emotions, and thoughts. Working with a mental health professional like a psychologist, you can treat OCD to the best of your abilities. You might be involved in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for OCD, where the psychologist will assist you in examining and understanding your thoughts and emotions. 
  • ERP: Exposure and response prevention (ERP) helps to learn that anxious thoughts are just thoughts;they have nothing to do with reality. On the other hand, ACT (Acceptance and commitment therapy) teaches mindfulness techniques to OCD patients. 

These therapies may be expensive, but you can eliminate worries when insured. You need to check if your medical insurance covers therapy; the ones at Care Health Insurance do. Any mental health illness that requires hospitalisation for 24 hours or more is covered in many health insurance plans. Counselling expenses are covered under mental health benefits. You get coverage for up to 4 psychologist consultations per policy year. Consider investing in an insurance plan to get a financial safety net during diseases. 

Natural and Home Remedies for OCD

Some natural ways can be tried to manage OCD. Though prescription medicines are highly recommended, natural remedies may assist OCD treatment. These holistic methods might not be as effective as therapies and other conventional therapies. Some of them are given below-

Healthy Gut and A Balanced Diet

The gut is our second brain, so a healthy gut indicates better mental and physical health. Also, adding essential vitamins, minerals and omega-3 fatty acids to your diet may help you manage the mental disorder. Vitamin D3, found in canned tuna, fish, egg yolks, cow’s milk and mushrooms is a crucial nutrient to add to your diet. Moreover, zinc from pumpkin seeds, crab, and yeast, and magnesium from green leafy vegetables may help, too.

Mindfulness and Meditation

It is a powerful method to combat consequences of OCD. When you start living consciously and with awareness, your concentration power increases, helping you treat OCD.


Exercise reduces stress and anxiety and elevates mood, hence, helping you regulate OCD symptoms. Aerobics, yoga, and brisk walking can give you some relief.

Wrapping Up!

OCD is a mental disorder which can disrupt your day-to-day activities. Mental health professionals and healthcare providers can help you treat it. It may also create disturbance in your relationships. The disturbing thoughts are uncontrollable, making the sufferer helpless. Being acquainted with the disorder and getting proper treatment may ease your life.

>> Also Read: Does your Insurance Cover Mental Therapy?

Disclaimer: The given information is for reference only. Kindly consult your doctor for any medical advice. Also, the health insurance benefits are subject to terms and conditions of the respective policy. Ensure you refer to the policy documents carefully before moving further.

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  • Need Assistance? We Will Help!

  • Q. Can I prevent OCD?

    Early diagnosis and treatment can help you minimise OCD symptoms and their consequences.

    Q. What are the types of OCD?

    5 types of OCD are organisation, contamination,iIntrusive thoughts, ruminations and checking.

    Q. Which obsessive compulsive disorder therapy is the best?

    Cognitive Behavioural Therapy works for many OCD patients. It is a type of psychotherapy which includes examining and understanding your thoughts and emotions.
