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Published on 11 Dec, 2024
4 min Read
Written by Nidhi Goyal
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Toys and gifts are for joy & fun,
What if they turn into risky guns?
Lead, arsenic, and mercury are good to experiment with in a chemistry lab. What would be more horrifying for you if you find these elements in your child’s body. Above all, you or your loved ones are responsible for the same.
Toys can harm your kids. Their sharp edges hurt them, and the small parts may cause choking, and other injuries. So, it would be best to give safe toys to your kids.
It's December, national safe toys and gifts month. Gift-giving and toy-sharing are in high gear. We know you promised your child a special Christmas gift, but hold on to it. Take a step back and think “Are the toys you are buying for your child safe or dangerous?”
You might have checked for the warning labels, etc., before buying. Even though toys are manufactured with care, supervision helps prevent choking hazards. Sadly, we have deaths related to toys, too. As per Prevent Blindness America, approximately 11,000 toy-related injuries yearly occur due to toy mishaps.
According to the US Consumer Product Safety Commission, in 2020, 198,000 toy-related injuries were treated in emergency departments of US hospitals. To avoid any in your house, get to know the most common toy-related pediatric injury below and safeguard your infant-
ISO 8124 “Toy Safety Standards” by the International Organisation for Standarisation focuses on establishing comprehensive testing methods to minimise potential toy related hazards. Inspect every toy or gift you buy for your loved ones. Take these preventive measures to not let their toys or gifts turn into weapons for them.
Protect your children from toy hazards and prioritise child safety by choosing the right toys. Paying no attention means inviting problems. Here is the list of toy dangers you should take care of-
Emergency may knock on the door anytime, anywhere and for anyone. Insurance for children has become mandatory. Health insurance can provide your children a physically and financially secure life. Age should not be a factor while buying an insurance policy. You can also add them to your family health insurance plan and cover any medical emergency without panicking about money.
Toys are everywhere: in your child’s room, dining table, floor, balcony, everywhere. As parents or guardians, your child’s safety becomes your duty. Take a look at the ways you can ensure product safety for them.
Gift safe infant toys to your little ones and have a stress-free evening.
Though December is the biggest gift-giving month,
Christmas bells and New Year are all near.
But make sure you are cautious.
As you are shopping for your tiny ones also.
Let’s live an alert life, to give our children a safe life.
Disclaimer: All plan features, benefits, coverage, and claims underwriting are subject to policy terms and conditions. Kindly refer to the brochure, sales prospectus, and policy documents carefully.
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